[SOLVED] Can't open Administration UI with new Version 13.1


since i have updatet from version 12 to version 13.1 i can’t open the Administration ui. (https://192.x.x.x:7443/admin)
I’m confiused about the server.properties. In the official documentation you say


In the community forum i saw

On Github the parameter name is administration.https.port=7443
What is wright?

I have tested all this paramters. But nothing happen. (Google Chrome: Error connection reset)

My server.properties is as follows:

#enable or disable administration UI

#comma separated list of administrator IPs. allow access to admin UI only for those IPs.
#Leave empty in order to allow for all. By default allow access from local host.

#admin monitoring port.

#comma separated list of users allowed to create accounts. leave it empty if no restriction required.

#URL Path

On blynk.log i see nothing too.

22:18:21.474 INFO  - Enabling Web Sockets.
22:18:21.475 INFO  - Web Sockets port 8082.
22:18:21.501 INFO  - Enabling Web SSL Sockets.
22:18:21.552 INFO  - Web SSL Sockets port 8081.
22:18:21.587 DEBUG - -Dio.netty.eventLoopThreads: 8
22:18:21.721 DEBUG - -Dio.netty.noKeySetOptimization: false
22:18:21.721 DEBUG - -Dio.netty.selectorAutoRebuildThreshold: 512
22:18:21.888 DEBUG - -Dio.netty.initialSeedUniquifier: 0x2b07da2679503d8a (took 5 ms)
22:18:22.046 DEBUG - Loopback interface: lo (lo, 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1%lo)
22:18:22.050 DEBUG - /proc/sys/net/core/somaxconn: 128
22:19:21.313 DEBUG - -Dio.netty.recycler.maxCapacity.default: 262144

Can you help me. Thanks

Ok i have the solution.

If i leaf the parameter allowed.administrator.ips=

empty, i can’t connect to admin ui. If i set the netmask allowed.administrator.ips=192.x.x.x/24

i can connet to the ui.

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Hello. Properties were changed a bit. The correct are those in documentation. You need only those :slightly_smiling:


allowed.administrator.ips if empty - no access to admin.

ok thanks. Can you correct the documentation for all of us, please.
the documentation says about the alowed.administrator.ips parameter:
Leave empty in order to allow access for anyone

Nice catch. Thank you for pointing. Fixed.

I cant access the admin UI, I already made some changes in the server.properties file, below are my settings:



administration https port

comma separated list of administrator IPs.
allow access to admin UI only for those IPs.
you may set it for to allow access for all.
you may use CIDR notation. For instance,

comma separated list of users allowed to
create accounts. leave it empty if no restriction required.

I re-start the server and enter in my browser this URL path

but I cant access the admin UI.

It should be IP of machine from which you try to access Admin page and not IP of server.

I try to change it to allowed.administrator.ips= and access from my device with same ip address but cant access also try to change to allowed.administrator.ips= but still cant access

Are you within same network? Maybe your router blocks 7443 port?

yes, try to check my router

Hello Dmitriy,

I try other application using port 7443 and its working fine. but it cant access the the admin UI.

A post was split to a new topic: No access to the admin page