[SOLVED] Can't login to the new ios app with local server

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ok I tried installing everything again…

this is what I get:

21:41:43.627 INFO - Region : local
21:41:44.115 INFO - Initializing gmail smtp mail transport. Username : blabla@bla.bla. SMTP host : smtp.gmail.com:587
21:41:44.134 INFO - Didn’t find custom user certificates.
21:41:44.135 INFO - Didn’t find Let’s Encrypt certificates.
21:41:44.135 WARN - You didn’t specified ‘server.host’ or ‘contact.email’ properties in server.properties file. Automatic certificate generation is turned off. Please specify above properties for automatic certificates retrieval.
21:41:44.135 WARN - ATTENTION. Server certificate paths (cert : ‘G:\blynkLocalServer’, key : ‘G:\blynkLocalServer’) not valid. Using embedded server certs and one way ssl. This is not secure. Please replace it with your own certs.
21:41:44.527 INFO - Hardware plain tcp/ip server listening at 8442 port.
21:41:44.528 INFO - Hardware SSL server listening at 8441 port.
21:41:44.529 INFO - Application server listening at 8443 port.
21:41:44.530 INFO - HTTP API and WebSockets server listening at 8080 port.
21:41:44.530 INFO - HTTPS API, WebSockets and Admin page server listening at 9443 port.
21:41:44.530 INFO - Mqtt hardware server listening at 8440 port.

I’m not using certificates… is it necessary?
still I can’t connect… it gives me the same error on the app.

anything else I can do?

Now I even created the certificates and all… still can’t connect. checked all my router settings and made sure the ports are forwarded to the PC running the server. everything is as it should be… what else can I do? tell me what to post here and I’ll do it… I want this to be up so I can work on some project that I’m trying.

Thanks again in advance.

Please show screenshot of your server settings in app.

the one in the login screen? with the 3 dots?
but it shows my network ip address… I can send to you i private… I don’t want the entire community to see my ip…
anyways it says the ip I get from “what is your ip address” website. and the port is 8442.

I hope that that is what you asked.

It should be 8443.

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IP adresses are like streetnames and numbers and names. Everyone can see them, but they are pretty much useless until you need to go to a specific adress. Private Ip’s like 192.168.x.x cannot even be routed on the internet so you can give those out without any problems :slight_smile:

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Sorry it was 8443. my mistake.

and the ip here is not the network ip in my private network. it’s the ip that I get from the ISP…

Instead of using your local WiFi with your phone, have you tried using your cellular connection and connecting to your public IP with that?

And conversely, connecting with the private IP of the server, while the phone is using your WiFi.

If either of those options works, that shows that your server is operational, and that the issue may be router related.

Over the years I have sometimes had issues connecting devices to my public IP whist within my local network… When that happened I always had to revert to local IP while in the network and switch to public IP only when when "roaming’ from home. I often wondered if it was a limitation of the software, router, setup, device or something else, as it wasn’t always an issue.

My current setup is to use my No-IP DNS redirection address (which redirects to my public IP), and it works with Blynk with both WiFi at home and Cellular while out.

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I tried all the option you can think of… and nothing.

I’m using no-ip dns as well to connect when I’m not in the country or at home.
and again it worked until I upgraded to this version…

so now what?

You could send me a PM with your public IP and I can try to create an account on your server from here.

sent you a PM

ok so for everyone that is reading this!
Thank you GUNNER! :slight_smile:
The problem was the stupid antivirus firewall… still trying to figure out how to let the connection pass it… but that is the problem.

Thank you again gunner and thank you all for helping me solve this! :slight_smile:

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@sagirokach don’t forget to change IP. I know this @Gunner :joy:

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LOL… I am. :slight_smile:

Darn… now how am I going to get enough Bitcoins to buy tons of ESPs and sensors :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

LOL well how do you get bitcoins…? I’ll help… :stuck_out_tongue:

According to that last news scare… by the usual method… borrow some ransomware code from the NSA :smiley:

LOL didn’t hear about that one yet. :slight_smile: