[SOLVED] Bridge virtualwrite and multiple params


I use the bridge widget and i will to use virtual write with multiple params like this:

bridge1.virtualWrite(V2, 1, 2, 3);

That’s doesn’t work. With only one param is works fine. What ist the problem? I use blank server 0.3.4.

Best regards,



You probably mean Blynk libraries? Please try to update to latest one. I do not remember in which version we added support of multiple params.

I already use library 0.3.4. which Version is the newest? On github 0.3.4 is the newest.

Ok, I’ve read that since 0.3.3 multiple params are supported. But i try The version 0.3.7 and i tell here if it’s work fine or not. Thanks for now.

I use the Link from the “getting-startend” page. There is the link to version 0.3.4.

Sorry for that.

@Pavel please fix. Do not put link to concrete version. Just to latest.

I tested now on new version 0.3.7 and is also doesn’t work. I’ve read that since 0.3.3 multiple params are supported. Here is my code example:

bridge1.virtualWrite(V28, 3, 5); or
bridge1.virtualWrite(V29, 1, 2, 3);

BLYNK_WRITE(V28) { Serial.print(F("BLYNK_WRITE(V28)")); Serial.println(param[0]. asInt()); Serial.print(F(" - ")); Serial.println(param[1]. asInt()); } BLYNK_WRITE(V29) { Serial.print(F("BLYNK_WRITE(V29)")); Serial.println(param[0].asInt()); Serial.print(F(" - ")); Serial.println(param[1].asInt()); Serial.print(F(" - ")); Serial.println(param[2].asInt()); }

What is the problem? It’s only work with blynk.virtualWrite and not with bridge1.virtualWrite?

@schittl oh, just saw it. Blynk operates with strings, while you are sending ints. You need to change

bridge1.virtualWrite(V28, 3, 5);


bridge1.virtualWrite(V28, "3", "5");

@vshymanskyy right? Maybe it make sense to add overloaded methods?

Single params as int works. I will send variables int or boolean. It’s only a example. I check if strings works. That int or boolean not work is not good because in docs example of blynk were int use :confused:

I’m not sure, this is just a suggestion. To be honest I do not remember. @vshymanskyy should know better.

Could you be more specific? What happens?
You can enable BLYNK_DEBUG on both sides to see what happens.

I’ve tested with String and is also doesn’t work. My Code Example:

boolean Var1 = 0; boolean Var2 = 0; Serial.println("V28"); ... bridge1.virtualWrite(V28, Var1, Var2); Serial.println("V29"); bridge1.virtualWrite(V29, "1", "0", "1");

BLYNK_WRITE(V28) { Serial.print(F("BLYNK_WRITE(V28)")); Serial.println(param[0].asInt()); Serial.print(F(" - ")); Serial.println(param[1].asInt()); } BLYNK_WRITE(V29) { Serial.print(F("BLYNK_WRITE(V29)")); Serial.println(param[0].asString()); Serial.print(F(" - ")); Serial.println(param[1]. asString()); Serial.print(F(" - ")); Serial.println(param[2]. asString()); }

BLYNK_DEBUG on Transmitter:
V28 [47510] <[14|00|0F|00|0E] [47511] <31[00]vw[00]28[00]10[00]29 V29 [47664] <[14|00|10|00|0E] [47665] <31[00]vw[00]29[00]1[00]0[00]1 [47821] <[0F|00|11|00]% [47822] <31[00]i[00]***AuthToken****

BLYNK_DEBUG on Receiver (only showing something like this:
[696349] <[06|00]F[00|00] [696388] >[00|00]F[00|C8]

I don’t understand what is wrong :frowning: Have you a example that’s working with the bridge widget?

@schittl The first problem is, that Bridge Auth token init should happen before you send virtualWrite!
Please see the Bridge example, it uses Blynk.connect() in the setup()

@vshymanskyy ymanskyy That i think is not the reason because the following example works fine:

bridge1.virtualWrite(V29, 1);

Serial.print(F(" - “));
Serial.println(param[1]. asInt());
Serial.print(F(” - "));
Serial.println(param[2]. asInt());

BLYNK_DEBUG on Transmitter:
[275122] <[0F|00]b[00|0A] [275123] <31[00]vw[00]29[00]1 [275274] <[0F|00]c[00]% [275275] <31[00]i[00]***AuthToken****

BLYNK_DEBUG on Receiver:
[412661] >[0F|00]P[00|07]
[412663] >vw[00]29[00]1

  • 0
  • 0`

Only the multiple params doesn’t work.

bridge1.virtualWrite(V29, 1, 0, 1);

I also add the following and is also doesn’t work.

BLYNK_CONNECTED() { bridge1.setAuthToken("***AuthToken****"); }

@vshymanskyy Is it possible that are the wrong command in the “WidgetBridge.h” at virtualWrite lines? Need not be “BLYNK_CMD_HARDWARE” replaced by “BLYNK_CMD_BRIDGE”?

Maybe wrong
void virtualWrite(int pin, const T& data) {

Blynk.sendCmd(BLYNK_CMD_BRIDGE, 0, cmd.getBuffer(), cmd.getLength()-1);
template <typename T1, typename T2>
void virtualWrite(int pin, const T1& data1, const T2& data2) {

Blynk.sendCmd(BLYNK_CMD_HARDWARE, 0, cmd.getBuffer(), cmd.getLength()-1);

Maybe right
void virtualWrite(int pin, const T& data) {

Blynk.sendCmd(BLYNK_CMD_BRIDGE, 0, cmd.getBuffer(), cmd.getLength()-1);
template <typename T1, typename T2>
void virtualWrite(int pin, const T1& data1, const T2& data2) {

Blynk.sendCmd(BLYNK_CMD_BRIDGE, 0, cmd.getBuffer(), cmd.getLength()-1);

@schittl Yes, you’re right. The bug appeared after small re-factoring.
I’ve pushed the fix to the latest master branch.
Please be aligned with the latest bridge example - Bridge Auth Init should happen before you send the data.

Hi, i used your advise and it turned out this way for me, it works!

Code = param[0].asInt(); //pinData variable will store value that came via Bridge
Uur = param[1].asInt(); //pinData variable will store value that came via Bridge
Minuut = param[2].asInt(); //pinData variable will store value that came via Bridge