I have a very little project I’m working on, here is the idea :
With an LDR, I adjust a light and a servo according to light outside. Very basic as I said !
So I have the prototype working, with all the code etc… extra fine ! But I wanted to go further and add a “manual mode”.
The idea is to have a button on Blynk that allows me to switch between Manual/Auto.
If I’m in auto, the code runs, checking LDR value every 10 sec with a delay.
If in manual, I set the servo/light with a slider and a button !
I got lost when I saw that I had to moove every code into function so that I only had “blynk.run();” in the loop… As far as I understood I shall use “blynk_write” but I have some troubles with it, like the fact that when I press the button it executes 2 times the function set to the virtual pin and apparently the function in blynk_write should be quick to execute (no delay ?? :’( ).
Here is the code I have for automatic mode !
#include <Servo.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12,11,5,4,3,2);
const int LDR = A3; //LDR
const int LED = 13;
Servo servofenetre; //crée un objet servo
void setup()
//Initalisation des pins
int etat_LDR = LOW;
float angle;
pinMode(LDR, INPUT);
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
// Loop
void loop()
unsigned int angle = 0;
float etat_LDR;
etat_LDR = analogRead(LDR);
angle = ((etat_LDR*90)/1023);
//Display servo angle on LCD
lcd.print("Angle = ");
if (etat_LDR > 500)
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
else if (etat_LDR <500)
Thanks a lot in advance ! Hope I made myself understandable and sorry for bad english !
you need simpleTimer in the loop also (search “simpletimer” on here)
you use simpleTimer call the LDR function every 10000 miliseconds.
then to add in manual/auto mode add this ‘variable’ up front and add it to a blynk button
int selectMode;
BLYNK_WRITE(Vx) // button in app where "x" is the virtual pin
selectMode= param.asInt();
in the LDR function have the first line to say:
void runLDRfunction();
if (selectMode == 1)// in the app the button state is 1 it's "manual"
Serial.println(F("manual mode active, ignore LDR function")); // just lets you see what is going on in the serial monitor for debugging
Serial.println(F("automatic mode active, continue to finishing LDR function")); // just lets you see what is going on in the serial monitor for debugging
add in the LDR function etc etc etc
hope this gets you started, give it a go and let us know how far you get…
Hi Dave ! Thanks a lot for that amazing answer ! I thought I was able to do all that by myself but man was I wrong
I like to understand things from the beginning so I built a code step by step to make sur that I understand the way BLYNK_WRITE works !
The purpose of the code was to simulate the Manual/Auto mode. In manual an LED blinks fast, in auto the same LED blinks slowly.
When I launch the code, the LED stays LOW all the time… When I put the code in the loop and remove blynk.run it works just fine by adjusting selectMode in the code…
BTW I can’t use serial monitor because I’m using usb cable to transmit internet to the board, therefore the port is busy…
Here is the code I’m using :
#include <BlynkSimpleStream.h>
const int LED2 = 8;
int selectMode;
//Blynk Token
char auth[] = "blablabla";
void setup()
// Blynk will work through Serial
Blynk.begin(auth, Serial);
pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);
void runLDRfunction()
if (selectMode == 1) //If button MANUAL on app
digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
selectMode = param.asInt();
void loop()
I really dont understand why it’s not working like intended, it seems so simple :’(
When adding a button on D8 on blynk I can controll the LED so idk where the problem is !
Thanks in advance for your answer, it’s just awesome to have such a friendly community !
I feel really stupid here but you mean that I should use something like SoftwareSerial Serial(2,3); and then put those pins on a physical monitor ?
Is there no way to use the IDE Serial Monitor while using USB cable to transmit internet data ?
By the way I tried to use the terminal widget as a serial monitor (which kinda worked). It displayed “button pushed” when I pressed the button, but it was supposed to display “manual” or “auto” when entering a mode and it never did :’(
Thx a lot for your answers and sorry for being such a noob regarding Blynk ! Controling servos with slider and led with buttons was easy but this is somthing else…
So I just tried with the simpletimer and oh boy it works !!
Here is what’s intended :
There is a switch on blynk. A function that checks switch state is called every second. If switch is on, led is on, and switch off led off. Also it displays “mode 1” or “mode 2” on the terminal that acts as serial monitor.
I expected the “mode 1” or “mode 2” to be desplayed every second, but in fact, nothing is printed on the monitor as long as it doesnt have like 12 elements to print.
So it gets updated every 12 seconds or something like that and I dont know exactly why !
Anyway I’m going to keep digging, thank you so much for the help everyone !
@Aizat_Nazih This topic was already solved long ago… I have moved your issue into a new topic. Please be aware, we are not here to write your code for you… you will need to learn how to code for Blynk on your own, but we will help with specific issues as you learn.