[SOLVED] Arduino WiFi Shield can't connect to any server

Dear @stackr

Please connect your shield to the Uno board, run a network cable from the shield to your router, power up the Uno from your computer USB and upload this code: https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/WebClient

Replace the MAC address you see in the code with your shield’s MAC address.
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED }; \\ Keep the 0x and replace the other digits with your shield's MAC

Replace the ip address in the code with a local address that makes sense to your network.
IPAddress ip(192, 168, 0, 177); \\ check other devices in your network and assign an unique address here

Run the sketch. If it does not work you have a cable, shield, router and or connection problem.
If it works, Blynk should work.


ok thanks. I don’t have my own router, I’m in an office building on a network.Ill try various cable/power combinatiuons. Also the IP address in my network settings are different to my machines IP address, so use the network ones? and the shields MAC address, where is this, the newer shields have it on a sticker on the shield, mine is an old one.

I got blynk to work, many many thanks for your help. A bit of cable experimenation and reinstall of the blynk library did it.

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Nice work @stackr !!


i am working in .net oriented project and i am totally not aware about the electrical circuits and diagrams. now i am working with the project related to Arduino board, now i am facing problem on connecting the Arduino wifi shield with available wifi network.

While testing, the board does not finding the available wifi network. always showing no connection found.

i have not provided any external power supply to the UNO board. i was connected the USB cable with my LAP to Arduino board.

Kindly suggest me is i need to provide the external power supply for the board to work with WIFI shield.

Gopi K