[SOLVED] Anyone else having connection issues?

My blynk arduino project keeps disconnecting and reconnecting. pretty much every second.
It is not my board, wifi or a power issue. (tried everything)

Could it be a server issue?

Temperature DHT: 0
[170603] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:8442
Minutes: 0
Brewstage : 0
switchstate: 0
switch1: 0
Temperature: 0
Temperature DHT: 0
[170717] Ready (ping: 10ms).
Minutes: 0
Brewstage : 0
switchstate: 0
switch1: 0
Temperature: 0
Temperature DHT: 0
Minutes: 0
Brewstage : 0
switchstate: 0
switch1: 0
Temperature: 0
Temperature DHT: 0
Minutes: 0
Brewstage : 0
switchstate: 0
switch1: 0
Temperature: 0
Temperature DHT: 0
Minutes: 0
Brewstage : 0
switchstate: 0
switch1: 0
Temperature: 0
Temperature DHT: 0
[176254] Connecting to blynk-cloud.com:8442
Minutes: 0
Brewstage : 0
switchstate: 0
switch1: 0
Temperature: 0
Temperature DHT: 0
[176379] Ready (ping: 10ms).
Minutes: 0

I get a good connection, no delays in my code, fast serial reading at full 9600. But it keeps reconnecting to blynk cloud.

All fine for me. 6 projects all connected.

What about your code?

Well I just woke up and tried my project. Same code as last night. Everything works smooth now.
It s really not possible it was the server?

I would be relieved if it were, caus I triple checked everything else.

thanks for the response. strange

Your 10 bucks worth of hardware is LESS reliable thank a multi-million dollars server centre…

And your code is usually even less reliable than your hardware…

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Well I tried on a wemos d1 yesterday ( 5 bucks ;D ) and all was fine.
same code, same spot.

Last night it kept losing connection with same code and hardware, same position, same wifi

So i tried a brand new wemos mini with nothing connected and basic code, same problem.

So i tried my phones 4G sharing on both boards, same problem. Kept reconnecting in same interval. I went to bed very frustrated and clueless and left everything on the table.

Today I just tried the D1 exactly where I left it last night (kitchen table) and it has not reconnected a single time. It just works without the slightest issue.

So yeah, i see your point. But server issues is the only thing I could think off that could explain this. What else could it be?

Maybe your neighbours turned off their wifi in the morning?
There’s a million things besides the server that you could look at… Especially when no one else is reported issues…

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I agree.
It cant be that i am the only one.

I just tried the basic esp8266 blynk standalone example.
The issue is my code… you were right.

I did not use a single delay, what could have messed up my blynk connection so bad?

Sometimes code can “flood the server” with too many requests, so that it starts ignoring you… But hard to know if you don’t post your code :wink:

Will you read the whole thing if I do?

Reduploaded my code , after the upload of the blynk example. Now everything works fine again.
Could it be that it sometimes compiles poorly?

Hmmm, i kinda gotta fix my own broken code, but I’m a sucker for anything DHT related…

My code worked fine for 26 hours before it stopped working…

i.e. Remember the order of my list of reliability above…

Thanks Dave,

Code before hardware before neighbours shitty adsl,

I ll dig into that code and try to remove stuff untill its stable I suppose.
My code is like 5 full tabs at this point, it is a lot to submit to someone for a quick review :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
I would feel bad

Hey @Dave1829, @Dmitriy,

I found that most likely my blynk lcd code caused me to send to many requests and thus get timed out on the server. Can any one confirm this? If so, what is the proper way to do it to avoid sending to many requests?

`case 6:
//What to do when Brewstage equals 6
digitalWrite(heater1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(heater2, HIGH);

      display.setCursor(0, 0);
      display.println(" BOILING");
      display.setTextColor(BLACK, WHITE); // 'inverted' text

      //lcd.print(4, 0, "Boiling ");
      //lcd.print(3, 1, "the wort" );

      if (brewStage == 6 && minutesCounter > boilTime) {
        digitalWrite(heater1, LOW);
        digitalWrite(heater2, LOW);
        brewStage = 7;
        terminal.println("BOIL IS FINISHED, START COOLING!");
        buzzer = HIGH;
        buzzer = LOW;
        minutesCounter = 0;
        //lcd.clear ();

In this code, the lcd keeps pushing the same message for 30 min straight until the condition has been met.

We have a few examples for that https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/tree/master/examples/Widgets/LCD

Thank you, all my issues were indeed timer related.
It would seem that at certain times the blynk servers are more forgiving than others, but the fault was entirely on the sketch site.

Happy it is resolved :wink:

A post was split to a new topic: Problem is that, when wifi off, all switches remain ON as on connection