Solved Android blynk app crash due streaming widget

I would like to ask for help with crashing blynk app android.
I have project where I put streaming widget, but unfortunately with wrong streaming adress. Only adress like\stream.html and not corect with direct stream wothFrom this point every time when I try to launch app, app crash withoit any notice. I tried reinstall app. Login is ok. Then I can choose problematic project or make new. But once I choose problematic one app crash.
Any advice?

There have been quite a few changes to the way that the video streaming widget works in Android recently. What version of the app are you currently using?

If it’s the latest version then maybe @BlynkAndroidDev need to build-in a check to prevent this crashing the app.

As a workaround, you should be able to change the URL from the hardware side with:

Blynk.setProperty(Vpin, “url”, “http://my_new_video_url”);



There are two options on how to fix it:

  • if you had set up a virtual pin on that video widget you can use the solution proposed by @PeteKnight
  • join the blynk beta (open blynk page on google play app, scroll the content till ‘join the beta’ section) as it has another more stable implementation of video streaming support, it should not crash in such way.

Do you have a map widget in your projects? Looks like there is a serious bug now in google maps that causes crashes in the apps that uses google mapview.

Thanks. Problem solved by joining beta program.
Thx for quick and effective solution.