I’m migrating from the legacy platform to the new one and have read the docs and forum posts but still confused. I thought I would just describe what I’m trying to achieve and maybe get some suggestions from the experts.
I use Blynk as a dashboard for multiple environmental sensors around my house. I have a DIY weather station in the backyard and about 3 other devices in my house that measure temperature and humidity. So let’s say 4 devices total. I’d like to have a single dashboard (web or mobile) that shows telemetry from all 4 devices. So in other words a single dashboard that receives data from different physical devices? This was how I had the Blynk legacy app setup. I just can’t figure out how to do that with the device/template design of the new platform.
Ok thanks. I looked into the automation docs and I think it makes sense. Is my use case the intended use of automation or just a workaround for what I need?
Also I wonder if I can just use the same Blynk device token for several physical devices as a way to populate a single dashboard from multiple devices.
Very nice, Bill. Thanks for the inspiration. Did you end up creating a separate template for each device? So the bedroom bme280 sensor has its own template separate from the garage bme280?
Hi @farzadb , In my case I use a single template for five of the sensors (backroom, bedroom, garage, kitchen & lounge) they are all the same basic BME280 Temperature, Humidity and Pressure sensors.
The WXR Station is more complex (TPH + UV INdex, Wind Speed and Direction + rainfall) so it has a separate template.