Shelly RGBW2

Hi Blynkers. Anybody have experience flashing the excellent Shelly RGBW2?

I’m a longtime Blynk sketcher, flashed many Sonoffs, and now the Shelly RGBW2 successfully.

If there’s interest, I’ll share details.

I am looking for help using the Switch capability on this Shelly device, haven’t figured it out myself.

This Shelly is a terrific compact unit for RGB, RGBW, or any set of up to 4 PWM channels. I’d love to make the most of it, though.

Thanks in advance.


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Yes, I use them in a few projects.
The switch contact is connected to GPIO5 and you need to use INPUT_PULLUP in your pinMode statement to stop the input floating.

I made a circuit board to simplify the code flashing proces, because those narrow pitch connectors can be a pain to work with.
More info here…



Thank you @PeteKnight for this helpful detail. Love your blog, too. Much appreciated. Been using SONOFFs with Blynk for years and just started with the Shelly RGBW2. Getting the RGBW part working was delightfully easy. You filled in the gaps on these helpful auxiliary pins. Much appreciated. Blynk on.

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I ought to do more with the blog, hopefully I’ll resurrect it when I get back home from our current holiday.
I’ll mark the topic as Solved, but give me a shout if you need anybhelp, and seeing your final code etc would be helpful to others I’m sure.
