Shared Access Issue, when email contains '+' char

i found a issue about sharing access project.
The problem is about read QR code, when username contains ‘+’ char.
The issue is present on local and remote server.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Create or prepare your gmail account.
  2. Create new account in blynk using alias - in my case main gmail account is, and i using kostkowiec**+test** (in result email with will be sent on
    3.Create new Project and share QR code.
  3. When your friend will scan the QR code he gets message that “Your Project” app in no longer avalible, sorry.
    === THAT IS MAIN PROBLEM ===, but next i finded what is wrong:
  4. I decoded generated qr code using i found that special charakters are replaced with special code; e.g “@” is %40, " " (space) is %20 and “+” is %2B. This is ok, because special charts must be coded like this, but:
  5. When “my friend” click on “contact the autor” on error page, he is redirect to mail app, and field “To” is filled by wrong mail - in my case it is “kostkowiec”, not “

Im very frustrated, because bought energy to share my project, but i can’t do this. (from similar account, not exatly this one).
Could you resolve this issue, or transfer my bought energy to other account?
Thank you in advance.

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@Dmitriy I guess this is one for you…


We will upload a new android apps version today with a fix to this issue. During the next several days, it will be available for you to update.