setProperty() method updating "max" value on server and displaying correctly on Blynk.console but not


I’m using an NodeMCU Esp32S with Arduino architecture on pio. Blynk library 1.2.0.
I am having an issue which seems to be stemming from the Blynk server side. I have sent the below code snippet to update the maximum property on a datastream that is linked to a gauge widget. I want to show a countdown on the gauge to show minutes remaining which works well except on the app the maximum property does not update and remains the default originally set for the datastream but the console shows the updated maximum value.

Blynk.setProperty(VIRTUAL_TIME, "max", timeToEnd);

I can’t find in the documentation if this feature has been ported over from the legacy Blynk for max and min properties of any of the widgets. There is a really old forum post saying that this method works but this is before Blynk 2.0. Am I doing this incorrectly or is this a bug?

Issue already raised here…
