Servo + BH1750 arduino gets time out

You are using the same serial port for your debug messages from Blynk, your serial print messages from your code, and for communication with your ESP-01.
You can’t do this, as it messes-up the communication between the ESP-01 and your board (presumably an Uno ?).

You should trad this for more info about why this isn’t possible, and possible ways to fix it (the best way is to throw away your current hardware and use an ESP32)…

In addition, your code has lots of blocking delay() commands, which aren’t compatible with Blynk, as they will cause timeouts.

One option is to use non-blocking BlynkTimer Timeout timers, but that would be rather tricky with your current code structure, as you’d need to use cascaded functions, which gets rather messy if you do it using lambda functions, so it might be better to restructure your code to use discreet functions that are called in sequence once the timeout timer has completed.
More info here…
