Sending serial data to Blink app

Hi there
I am new user of Blynk and it is a spectacular shortcut to those who does not know about android development like me.
I would appreciate some help to send serial data (stings) from a microcontroler X, using SPI or Uart to a Particle photon and from there send that string to Blynk app.
What Firmware app should I use to display that string on “Dispaly” widget for example?
Thanks in advance.

Have you got your Photon working with Blynk yet?

Hi, you need read the blynk documentation. But in all case, to send data that blynk app you input this command:

Blynk.virtualWrite(Vx,“your message”)

where x,will are number that you want send data to aplicative,for example, if you want to send in V6, digit “V6” or V8 …

Now, you need read this message that was send in aplicative blynk, to it you have to make one widget to receive the datas and show in display, this part change many and depend this widget that you choice, but how you to want display lcd, use next sintaxe:

WidgetLCD lcd(V1);
lcd.clear(); //Use it to clear the LCD Widget
lcd.print(4, 0,variable); // use: (position X: 0-15, position Y: 0-1, “Message you want to print”)
lcd.print(4, 1, variable2);

You could try Easy Transfer to send any data via serial or I2C between your MCU X and a Blynkified MCU.

Then of course from there to the App is as mentioned in the documentation for Display Widgets:

Hi Costas
Yes, is working.
Thank you

Hi Lucianolcoa12

Thank you so much for your help.
I will give a try to your suggestions.

Hi Gunner
Thank you so much for your suggestions.