SEND NOTIFICATION of Automations is not popup at User or Staff on App Blynk 2.0

SEND NOTIFICATION of Automations is not popup at User or Staff on App Blynk 2.0
I had created Automations on Admin account.
It is only popup with Admin account.
Can everybody help me to solve it.
Thank you so much!

@luong5490 do you have ios or andorid?

It happens on ios, i am not yet try it on andorid!
I had created Automations on Admin account → It work ok on Admin account, not work on User account
I had created Automations on User account → It work ok on User account, not work on Admin account

@luong5490 so at the moment you can’t change receivers of the notications. We’ll improve that over time. Right now only creator will get the notifications.

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If you use events you can add a user to your push notification settings.