Self-updating ( from WEB server HTTP ) OTA firmware for ESP8266 AND ESP32!

Very god catch @Costas !!! By the way, how are you Sir?

All good here @mikekgr hope you are well.

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Thanks I just came to exact same conclusion :joy::+1::+1::+1::+1::+1:

Signed up just to say thanks! This works perfectly!

I have modified it slightly,

  1. To run the update when I write a specific value to a virtual pin,
  2. Static URL for the update file since we only update when necessary.
  3. Turn on a LED (on another virtual pin) that confirms that the update started, this resets itself on boot.


  1. Add a button widget for virtual pin 25 and set on value to 100 - Used to initiate the update
  2. Add a LED widget for virtual pin 30 - Used to show confirmation that the update started

This would not be possible without OPā€™s code so all credits go to OP.
Posting the code below for anyone who needs something similar.

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <ESP8266httpUpdate.h>

char auth[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

char ssid[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";
char pass[] = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

const char* fwImageURL = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx";

// Update when virtual pin 25's value is set to 100 - just add a button widget and configure the on value of virtual pin 25 to 100.
	int pinValue = param.asInt();

	if (pinValue == 100) {

void InstallUpdates() {
	Serial.println( "OTA Update Request Received" );
	Serial.print( "Firmware URL: " );
	Serial.println( fwImageURL );

	HTTPClient httpClient;
	httpClient.begin( fwImageURL );
	int httpCode = httpClient.GET();
	if( httpCode == 200 ) {
		Serial.println( "Update file found, starting update" );
		// Set virtual pin to 1023 so the LED widget in the Blynk app lights up to show that the upgrade started
		Blynk.virtualWrite(V30, 1023);

		t_httpUpdate_return ret = ESPhttpUpdate.update( fwImageURL );

		switch(ret) {
				Serial.printf("HTTP_UPDATE_FAILD Error (%d): %s", ESPhttpUpdate.getLastError(), ESPhttpUpdate.getLastErrorString().c_str());
	else {
		Serial.print( "Firmware check failed, got HTTP response code " );
		Serial.println( httpCode );

void setup()
	Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);

	// Reset virtual pin 30 to 0 so update LED turns off on boot
	Blynk.virtualWrite(V30, 0);

void loop()

Hi @samad909
Can you see the picture below itā€™s corect? i do not update in the code.

@langtupt from your screenshot I see that the OTA URL comment starts on line 3, so I can only assume that you are missing a few lines of code before it ie library includes, wifi info etc. Please copy/paste the code as is and modify the auth code, wifi info and OTA URL.

If it doesnt work please paste your full code.

Dear @samad909,
The my code below, can you help me check.
Thank you very much.

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h>
#include <ESP8266HTTPClient.h>
#include <ESP8266httpUpdate.h>

char auth[] = "be03315a10f14e23a386ca85faf99c138c";

char ssid[] = "WIFI_DEM";
char pass[] = "";

const char* fwImageURL = "";

// Update when virtual pin 25's value is set to 100 - just add a button widget and configure the on value of virtual pin 25 to 100.
  int pinValue = param.asInt();

  if (pinValue == 100) {

void InstallUpdates() {
  Serial.println( "OTA Update Request Received" );
  Serial.print( "Firmware URL: " );
  Serial.println( fwImageURL );

  HTTPClient httpClient;
  httpClient.begin( fwImageURL );
  int httpCode = httpClient.GET();
  if( httpCode == 200 ) {
    Serial.println( "Update file found, starting update" );
    // Set virtual pin to 1023 so the LED widget in the Blynk app lights up to show that the upgrade started
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V30, 1023);

    t_httpUpdate_return ret = ESPhttpUpdate.update( fwImageURL );

    switch(ret) {
        Serial.printf("HTTP_UPDATE_FAILD Error (%d): %s", ESPhttpUpdate.getLastError(), ESPhttpUpdate.getLastErrorString().c_str());
  else {
    Serial.print( "Firmware check failed, got HTTP response code " );
    Serial.println( httpCode );

void setup()
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);

  // Reset virtual pin 30 to 0 so update LED turns off on boot
  Blynk.virtualWrite(V30, 0);

void loop()

@langtupt Please edit your post and remove the auth code. I have checked your code and it seems alright so I am not sure why it doesnt work for you. I am using a NodeMCU ESP-12 chip, what are you using?

Yes, i have edit auth code, i using Wemos D1 Mini.

@langtupt I am not sure what is wrong, can you check if all your libraries are updated (inside Arduino IDE)?

A few mins back I checked your OTA URL and the web server was throwing 500 errors, can you try hosting the bin file somewhere else (maybe sign up for a free hosting to test)?

@langtupt HTTP Return Code of -1 is defined as a connection refused error in the ESP8266HTTPClient.h library -

This means that the ESP8266 is unable to reach that server from its location, try hosting the file elsewhere and make sure that you can access the URL from a PC that is on the same network as the ESP8266.

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Dear @samad909,
Iā€™m try ip hosting itā€™s working now.
Thank you very much

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Hi mikekgr

You help me last time with the OTA and it work fine at my ESP8266 and ESP32 on WiFi :slight_smile: Thanks

I like to upgraded my ESP32 WiFi to a ESP32 WiFi + SIM800 modem at hardware port 16/17 so the unit will work when its on a WiFi, it know or use SIM800 to use the GSM net. Or just SIM800ā€¦

The routines for interfacing the SIM800 is easy and run perfect but make the combination with your routine make my hear gray :slight_smile: I fight with WiFiClient client; right now off and on, but thatā€™s maybe not the only conflicts, can you please again :slight_smile: help me out here ? Thanks in advanceā€¦

This is the working code fon SIM800 ā€¦

[Unformatted code removed by moderator]

use backticks else your sketch will be deleted ```

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And backticks is ?


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Sorry, Preben :slight_smile:

you replied, but didnā€™t add backticks !! :joy::joy::joy:

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Dear friend,
I have zero experiences in SIM800 so I canā€™t help you I am afraidā€¦
Best Regards,
Mike Kranidis