Need help with my account , I tried to add myself to a friends account as a user which seemed to work and I received a link to create a password which I did thinking it would give me access to his devices. After that my account had no devices and when I deleted myself from his account mine has completely gone, weird thing is all my automations still work .
I see now there’s also no maker option and I’m betting I’m stuffed and will have to start from scratch with the basic free plan even though I only payed for the maker plan in June, which means re doing all my devices and there’s no way I’m paying $1200 dollars a year for some nice to haves around the house , time to look elsewhere as I can probably do the same with stand alone devices and google.
It would probably help if you provided more specific information about what you see when you log in now.
Thanks for the reply , i just get the message “Either email or password is incorrect. Please double-check and try again” same on the app , when I choose reset password I don’t receive any message or link , automations are still working also .I find it hard to believe that deleting myself as a user from from friends account would result in my account being completely deleted.
Still not enough specific info to understand the issue.
Ok , happy to provide any info that helps , from the beginning, I’m helping a friend setting up a couple of devices and added myself as a user on his dashboard , I then received an email from Blynk " Welcome! We’re excited to see you on board.
To get started, you’ll need to create a password for your account".
I thought this was to become a user on his account so I entered a new password that then took me to my account and it was devoid of any devices or templates ETC just like a new account, i went back to his account and deleted my self as a user in his dashboard and then my account was gone ,even my email is no longer recognized when I try to do a password reset , but as I said before my automations and triggers are still working on my devices which would mean there’s still data being processed I imagine. Hope this helps
At this point Blynk would normally give a “user already exists” message or something similar, if there is currently a Blynk subscription which uses that email address.
If that didn’t happen then presumably you used a different email address for this, or possibly you hit a different regional server.
Don’t know, I was surprised when I got the link to create a password that it changed my actual account password , so guess my account is gone now ? Can I recover it with templates ID or no chance now ?
It almost certainly didn’t.
If you already had an active account with that email address then you shouldn’t have sent you an invitation.
Do you use more than one email address?
Nope, just one and the password is stored in Google and automatically fill the details email and password every time .Is there anyway I can contact someone at Blynk ?
Does anyone know is there’s a way to contact someone at Blynk other becoming a pro member to get help accessing a plan I payed for but now can’t ? They must have some obligations to customers on any plan especially payed ones.
Support is via this forum for Maker users. Be patient, it’s holiday time.
No worries thanks , on a positive note , all my lights , retic timers and triggers still work ,.