Rtc widget, short format date

I am using rtc widget which prints the date on terminal. The format that appears on the terminal is DD / MM / YYYY and I would like to have only YY appear at the end of the date. Is there a trick to do it?
Thanks a lot

Is this done via a sketch running on a device, or via Eventor?

If it’s via a sketch then post your code (correctly formatted with triple backticks of course).


void orario(){  // Calcola orario e data corrente
  if(go==0){// se è il primo avvio
    setSyncInterval(1); // sincronizzazione al primo avvio
    currentDate = String(day()) + "/" + month() + "/" + year(); // giorno/mese/anno   
    currentTime = String(hour()) + ":" + minute() + ":" + second(); // ora:minuti:secondi
    terminal.print(currentDate); terminal.print("-"); terminal.print(currentTime); terminal.println("       Start");
    setSyncInterval(60 * 60); // Intervallo di sincronizzazione dati (10 minuti)
  currentDate = "";
  currentTime = "";
  currentDate = String(day()) + "/" + month() + "/" + year(); // giorno/mese/anno  
  currentTime = String(hour()) + ":" + minute() + ":" + second(); // ora:minuti:secondi

this is a part of the code that writes the date as well as the time

I suppose using substring(2) on a string of the year will return the last two characters.

Or, a slightly dirtier way is to subtract 2000 from the year, which will continue to return the correct result for the next 79 and a bit years.



Oh my God. Sometimes you think that the solution is much more complicated … The “dirty” one works very well Thanks !! :slight_smile:

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