After testing for a while reporting widget, I’m really impressed, I must say… But watching at data table in per-device mode, one thing came into my mind:
The table is sorted in a growing pin number order. Ok, that’s not a problem at all…
But there are three columns: A data value, a timestamp and a pin number.
And my question: Wouldn’t it be more logical to order those in a different way: The timestamp, the pin number, and finally the pin value?
God, no way! But could be other shorts as well… OK, let’s stop it as it might get “censored” at some point
As for the order: Well, sure it is not a big deal… you can choose columns and reorder them, or leave as they are - they are always usable. BUT… that is the way I would expect them to appear. And that is the way it seems to be most common order - at first timestamp, second group, last data.
(If only the forum would allow to create some form of voting…)
Edit: even default graph creator defaults the first column as an X axis… Am I right? (or not? - don’t remember actually )
Yes, Local 0.38.2… Here’s blynk.log (from server startup till the unsuccessful report generation.)
Note that “per pin” reports were successfully generated, but per device and the newest “REPORT” failed with errors.
One more note: Click DATA SOURCE --> Project Devices Now UNSELECT some devices and GO BACK. Enter again Project Devices, and… Yes, they are still ALL selected
OK, here’s the LOG:
15:53:56.858 INFO - Using data dir './data'
15:53:59.729 INFO - Region : local. Host :
15:53:59.968 INFO - Renaming of old reporting files started...
15:53:59.977 INFO - Renaming of old reporting files finished after 9 ms.
15:54:01.639 INFO - Initializing gmail smtp mail transport. Username : SMTP host :
15:54:01.820 INFO - Reports : 0
15:54:01.828 INFO - Didn't find Let's Encrypt certificates.
15:54:01.828 WARN - You didn't specified '' or '' properties in file. Automatic certificate generation is turned off. Please specify above properties for automatic certificates retrieval.
15:54:03.269 INFO - Hardware SSL server listening at 8441 port.
15:54:03.274 INFO - HTTP API and WebSockets server listening at 8080 port.
15:54:03.277 INFO - HTTPS API, WebSockets and Admin page server listening at 9443 port.
15:54:03.279 INFO - Mqtt hardware server listening at 8440 port.
15:54:04.969 INFO - hardware joined.
15:54:06.310 INFO - hardware joined.
15:54:06.312 INFO - hardware joined.
15:54:06.315 INFO - hardware joined.
15:54:06.331 INFO - hardware joined.
15:54:06.513 INFO - hardware joined.
15:54:08.921 INFO - hardware joined.
15:54:14.206 INFO - Blynk-app (android-22604) joined.
15:54:20.888 ERROR- Error generating report 97948 for user
15:54:20.890 ERROR- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
15:54:20.890 INFO - Processed report for, time 60 ms.
15:57:55.590 INFO - Blynk-app (android-22604) joined.
15:58:09.459 ERROR- Error generating report 97948 for user
15:58:09.460 ERROR- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
15:58:09.460 INFO - Processed report for, time 8 ms.
15:59:29.627 INFO - hardware joined.
16:01:45.512 INFO - Blynk-app (android-22604) joined.
16:05:44.361 INFO - Processed report for, time 6110 ms.
16:06:42.963 INFO - Blynk-app (android-22604) joined.
16:07:04.507 ERROR- Error generating report 9318 for user
16:07:04.508 ERROR- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
16:07:04.508 INFO - Processed report for, time 17 ms.
16:08:47.207 ERROR- Error generating report 9318 for user
16:08:47.208 ERROR- java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
16:08:47.209 INFO - Processed report for, time 24 ms.