Report Widget and Local Server issue

Hello, I have my local blynk server running in a docker container.

Had everything working until last couple of days when trying to use report widget, it do generate a report and send to my e-mail, but the download button comes with the wrong address:

This is the Portainer config of Blynk:

(Note that ports used works with app/hardwares and etc)

The volumes of container:

And inside my I have already set my to my no-ip DNS, with and without specific port:

The admin panel works but viewing these parameters not show up but I already know that web panel is kinda bad:

Some infos:
Looking @ the link I receive I can see that it’s getting the container internal IP and not the config host, if I swap to : I can download the report and use it.

Thanks in advance, hope this help someone with same problem and we can find a way around it without swapping addres manually. If more info are needed just say and I’ll provide.

Got it working! looking at volumes I spotted the mistake, was going into /blynk/, but the right one was in /config/


  • goes into /blynk/
  • goes into /config/

Had to tweak some port config but nothing really hard, inside the http.port changed from 8080 to my port e.g 7887

in docker I foward 7887 to 7887,
before I was fowarding 7887 to 8080.

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