Report Energy Costs

Hi, Please could someone confirm if the energy costs for reports are re-occurring each time the report is sent or if this is one off energy cost to generate the widget and then the reports don’t cost to send each day / week.

Hello. This is one off case. The reports don’t cost to send each day / week

Excellent thanks Dimity, one more question regarding energy and reports, if I create a report and then further down the line add additional items to the report will this incur additional energy costs or would I need to create a new report for these items? Thanks

The energy is used when you add a widget to your project. You can edit as much as you like without it costing you any more energy, and the energy is returned to you when you delete the widget from your project.

However, the report widget costs zero energy anyway!


Thanks Pete i understand the widget doesn’t cost, however the next stage of creating the report does have cost associated to it, i’m looking to confirm if modifying the existing report will apply an additional energy cost

I bit the bullet and purchased a report for 2900 energy, it looks as if I can add data streams to this without any cost if anyone else if interested

I hadn’t noticed that creating a report costs energy. But explains why I recently needed to purchase some more after playing around with the new (to iOS) reporting widget!

Just tracked down the project where I’d added the reporting widget and deleted the report I’d created and I now have energy back, so it seems that you can edit existing reports without using anymore energy, or delete an existing report to get the energy recycled.


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