Reconnection issue


I’m trying to save some energy by by sending sensor data once in a 5-10 minutes and using Light Sleep between them.
Maybe I’ll switch to the Deep Sleep later but I’d like to understand this strange behavior with the Light Sleep.

The idea for the loop is:

  • Check if Blynk is connected
  • If Yes - run it and go to the Light Sleep for 2 minutes (quite a short period only is for faster debugging)
  • print the reason
  • print increased Bootcount
  • if No - Blynk.connect()

sending data to the Blynk server and mqtt is implemented inside the BLYNK_CONNECTED()

I believe that esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup() could be kept in the setup() but moved to the loop() just to try.

a dot is printed in the beacon() just to check the loop is completed.

print_wakeup_reason() - I took it from the Deep sleep example, not sure if it is relevant for the Light sleep. Strange that it prints “Wakeup caused by touchpad” instead of “Wakeup caused by timer”

The project starts working normally. But after some iterations it fails in reconnecting to Blynk.
It writes “Certificate OK” and that’s it.
I’ve tried to restart my local Blynk server but it does not help.
If I restart my TTGO ESP32 it connects properly and works fine for several iteration.
So I believe taht the issue is on the client side, not on the Blynk sever side.

Do you have any ideas what causes “Certificate OK” without connection and how to handle this?
By the way, I’ve seen such issues ealier without “sleep” (disabled/enabled Internet access for this ESP32).
It looks like Blynk poorly survives multiple re-connections but I have no idea how to debug it (or to properly handle and send the MCU to restart).

Log (complete, with multiple successful sleep cycles):

Starting v2.02
[61] Connecting to ASR
[1151] Connected to WiFi
[1151] IP:
___ __ __
/ _ )/ /_ _____ / /__
/ _ / / // / _ / '/
//_, /////_
__/ v0.6.1 on ESP32

[1224] Connecting to
[2663] Certificate OK
[3264] Ready (ping: 600ms).
[3656] Time sync: OK
[3793] 0 38.849396
11:30:25 25°С 39%
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[3861] Voltage: 3160.50
MQTT connecting …connected
[4121] Subscribe: 1
[5123] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[126123] Bootcount: 1
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[126125] Heartbeat timeout
[126128] Connecting to
[128358] Certificate OK
[128859] Ready (ping: 500ms).
[129250] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[129388] 1 38.681549
11:32:30 25°С 39%
[129454] Voltage: 4002.25
.[129523] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[250524] Bootcount: 2
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[250526] Heartbeat timeout
[250528] Connecting to
[252790] Certificate OK
[253288] Ready (ping: 497ms).
[253680] Time sync: OK
[253819] 1 38.612885
11:34:33 25°С 39%
[253886] Voltage: 4004.00
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
.[253966] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[374966] Bootcount: 3
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[374968] Heartbeat timeout
[374970] Connecting to
[377369] Certificate OK
[377901] Ready (ping: 531ms).
[378291] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[378426] 0 38.849396
11:36:37 25°С 39%
[378494] Voltage: 4004.00
.[378564] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[499564] Bootcount: 4
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[499566] Heartbeat timeout
[499568] Connecting to
[501160] Certificate OK
[501557] Ready (ping: 396ms).
[501947] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[502085] 0 38.948578
11:38:39 25°С 39%
[502153] Voltage: 4004.00
.[502223] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[623223] Bootcount: 5
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[623225] Heartbeat timeout
[623227] Connecting to
[624698] Certificate OK
[624899] Ready (ping: 199ms).
[625288] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[625424] 0 38.757843
11:40:41 25°С 39%
[625493] Voltage: 4004.00
. [625562] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[746563] Bootcount: 6
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[746565] Heartbeat timeout
[746567] Connecting to
[748001] Certificate OK
[748399] Ready (ping: 396ms).
[748791] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[748926] 0 38.788361
11:42:43 24°С 39%
[748994] Voltage: 4005.75
.[749064] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[870064] Bootcount: 7
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[870066] Heartbeat timeout
[870069] Connecting to
[871620] Certificate OK
[871822] Ready (ping: 200ms).
[872210] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[872347] 0 38.895172
11:44:45 24°С 39%
[872416] Voltage: 4004.00
.[872486] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[993486] Bootcount: 8
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[993488] Heartbeat timeout
[993490] Connecting to
[994956] Certificate OK
[995159] Ready (ping: 201ms).
[995548] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[995684] 0 38.658661
11:46:47 24°С 39%
[995752] Voltage: 3998.75
.[995822] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[1116822] Bootcount: 9
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[1116824] Heartbeat timeout
[1116826] Connecting to
[1118280] Certificate OK
[1118486] Ready (ping: 204ms).
[1118875] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[1119012] 0 38.788361
11:48:49 24°С 39%
[1119081] Voltage: 4004.00
.[1119151] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[1240151] Bootcount: 10
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[1240153] Heartbeat timeout
[1240155] Connecting to
[1241632] Certificate OK
[1241843] Ready (ping: 209ms).
[1242234] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[1242371] 0 38.658661
11:50:51 24°С 39%
[1242439] Voltage: 4004.00
. [1242509] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[1363509] Bootcount: 11
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[1363512] Heartbeat timeout
[1363513] Connecting to
[1365402] Certificate OK
[1365635] Ready (ping: 231ms).
[1366025] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 2
[1366162] 0 38.773102
11:52:54 24°С 39%
[1366231] Voltage: 4000.50
.[1366300] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[1487300] Bootcount: 12
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[1487302] Heartbeat timeout
[1487304] Connecting to
[1489071] Certificate OK
[1489574] Ready (ping: 501ms).
[1489964] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 0
[1490101] 0 38.704437
11:54:56 24°С 39%
[1490169] Voltage: 4004.00
.[1490239] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[1611239] Bootcount: 13
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[1611242] Heartbeat timeout
[1611243] Connecting to
[1612657] Certificate OK
[1613466] Ready (ping: 807ms).
[1613855] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 0
[1613991] 0 38.589996
11:56:59 24°С 39%
[1614060] Voltage: 4035.50
.[1614130] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[1735130] Bootcount: 14
Wakeup caused by touchpad
.[1735132] Heartbeat timeout
[1735134] Connecting to
[1736551] Certificate OK
[1737359] Ready (ping: 806ms).
[1737747] Time sync: OK
Brightness Slider VPIN_Bright value is: 0
[1737884] 0 38.551849
11:59:01 25°С 39%
[1737953] Voltage: 4004.00
.[1738023] Go to sleep in 1 sec…
[1859023] Bootcount: 15
Wakeup caused by touchpad

Something goes wrong:

.[1859025] Heartbeat timeout
[1859027] Connecting to
[E][ssl_client.cpp:87] start_ssl_client(): Connect to Server failed!
[E][WiFiClientSecure.cpp:132] connect(): start_ssl_client: -1
[1864027] Connecting to
[E][ssl_client.cpp:87] start_ssl_client(): Connect to Server failed!
[E][WiFiClientSecure.cpp:132] connect(): start_ssl_client: -1
…[1869028] Connecting to
[1870577] Certificate OK
…[1875580] Connecting to
[1877025] Certificate OK
…[1882028] Connecting to
[1883684] Certificate OK
…[1888687] Connecting to
[1890250] Certificate OK
… [1895253] Connecting to
[1896894] Certificate OK
…[1901897] Connecting to
[1903350] Certificate OK
…[1908353] Connecting to
[1909893] Certificate OK
…[1914896] Connecting to
[1916348] Certificate OK
…[1921351] Connecting to
[1922817] Certificate OK
… [1927820] Connecting to
[1929358] Certificate OK

I restart my Blynk server:

…[1934361] Connecting to
[E][ssl_client.cpp:87] start_ssl_client(): Connect to Server failed!
[E][WiFiClientSecure.cpp:132] connect(): start_ssl_client: -1
…[1939362] Connecting to
[1940855] Certificate OK
…[1945858] Connecting to
[1947270] Certificate OK
…[1952273] Connecting to
[1953729] Certificate OK

[1958732] Connecting to
[1960299] Certificate OK
…[1965302] Connecting to
[1966836] Certificate OK
…[1971839] Connecting to
[1973301] Certificate OK
…[1978304] Connecting to
[1979845] Certificate OK
…[1984848] Connecting to
[1986598] Certificate OK
… [1991601] Connecting to
[1993051] Certificate OK
…[1998054] Connecting to
[1999607] Certificate OK

Any ideas, please?

Well, some code:

#define uS_TO_S_FACTOR 1000000  /* Conversion factor for micro seconds to seconds */
#define TIME_TO_SLEEP  120        /* Time ESP32 will go to sleep (in seconds) */
RTC_DATA_ATTR int bootCount = 0;

void newGraphValue() {
  char str[20];
  int status;
  float temp_c = sht20.temperature();
  float hum = sht20.humidity();

  terminal.printf("%3i ", bootCount);
  display.clear(); // clear the display
  if (temp_c < 100) {
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VPIN_Temp1, temp_c);
    Blynk.virtualWrite(VPIN_Hum1, hum);
    /* publish the message */
    snprintf (str, 20, "%lf", temp_c);
    status = client.publish(TEMP_TOPIC, str);
    snprintf (str, 20, "%lf", hum);
    status = client.publish(HUM_TOPIC, str);
    BLYNK_LOG3(status, "  ", str);

    snprintf(str, 20, "%02i:%02i:%02i ", hour(), minute(), second());
    display.drawString(10, 47, str);
    snprintf(str, 20, "%2.0f°С    %2.0f%%", temp_c, hum);
    display.drawString(10, 0, str);
  float adcr = adc1_get_raw(ADC1_CHANNEL_0)*K_adc0;
  Blynk.virtualWrite(VPIN_Voltage, adcr);
  BLYNK_LOG2("Voltage: ", adcr); 
  snprintf(str, 20, "%6.3fV", adcr/1000);
  status = client.publish(VOLT_TOPIC, str);
  snprintf(str, 20, "%4.0fmV", adcr);
  display.drawString(60, 32, str);
  display.display(); // display whatever is in the buffer

  digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
} // newGraphValue

} // Connect

void setup() {
  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
  display.init(); // initialise the OLED

  //  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass);
  Blynk.begin(auth, ssid, pass, "", 9443);

  //  timer.setInterval(5000L, newGraphValue);

  if (!client.connected()) {

} //setup

void loop()
  if (Blynk.connected()) { // checks to see if connected to server; // runs only if connected to server
    client.loop(); // MQTT
    BLYNK_LOG1("  Go to sleep in 1 sec...");
    esp_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(TIME_TO_SLEEP * uS_TO_S_FACTOR);
    BLYNK_LOG2("  Bootcount: ", bootCount);    print_wakeup_reason();
  else {

don’t do this in void loop


This delay is needed to finalize printing to Serial before going to sleep.
I’ve tried Serial.flush but it did not help. And I do not see the difference in the logic (“prohibitied” delay or the same pause by any other command).

Anyway I have some extra issues. For example during this night it reboots (as I’ve programmed) and misses some data on the graph.

  1. No data on the Temperature/Humidity graphic. But below (Voltage graphic) contains data, which means connection and data transfer was correct.
  2. In the morning I’ve opened my Blynk app, saw missed data and pressed a button to turn on/off the embedded OLED display. After this Temp/Humidity graphic restored.
  3. Open window, data changes significantly, everything works fine.
    Why some data was missed - no idea.

Most probably for projects with sleep it is better to use Blynk API which I can control and understand better than a “” which is a “black box” for me.

Was the temperature still being published to MQTT when it wasn’t going to Blynk?

You might want to take a look at this project, which used deep sleep on the ESP32…


Thank you Pete!

You are right. Deep Sleep may be better as it restarts MCU every time. It should be more stable.
I’m using Light Sleep just to avoid soldering on my test board (D0 to RST as far as I remember).

I’ll check this approach as well.

You don’t need to connect GPIO16 to RST on the ESP32 to get it to wake from deep sleep, that’s only needed for the ESP8266.


1 Like

Oh, brilliant!!
Thanks a lot

The problem with using a delay in the void loop is that it will cause problems when blynk does not see the hardware for a period of time and decides that it is not connected. There are other ways.

I absolutely agree.
And I guess such delays in other parts of the code (in a separate procedure called from the loop) are also harmful.

yes that is true

@Gyromike this is a light/deep sleep sketch, where Blynk communication will end during the sleep period. As a result, the delay is not a problem in this situation.

Actually, I prefer to break all of the Blynk rules when using sleep modes. The aim is to minimise the wake time as little as possible, so using timers and in the loop isn’t the best way to do this.
Take a read of the Beehive Connected topic that I linked to earlier - this is structured in a way that is proven to work and minimise the wake time.


what you can do is place the code chat needs the delay in a non blocking timer call. the main body of code should not be in the void loop.

as long as it ends prior to the disconnect that is great,

Ok I think see what is happening with the sleep. It only calls blynk once and then sleeps. It looks like all the blynk calls should be called prior to the reducing the timeout problem. I am not sure but it looks like the should be the last thing other than a slight delay so that it can complete and then the sleep. Is that the idea here?

Yes, that’s the basic idea.
