Recommended IDE for more complex development

Hi All, Just wanting to get community feedback as the best IDE to use that provides line by line debugging - I use the standard Arduino IDE which is fine for basic development but when the code gets more complex I need a betterr IDE - any recommendations ? I need to develop for Arduno MEGA2560 and Wemos ESP8266 boards. Keen to hear your feedback.

Hello. PlatformIO - especially if you gonna use multiple hardware.

thanks - will take a closer look at it - BTW: does it have an IDE debugger of sorts ?

Not sure. Eclipse IDE for sure has it, however it is less suitable for hardware.

Eclipse is fine. I think you can even get Eclispe + working together.

thank you - I will give them a go

I use Visual Studio with the Visual Micro plugin… It is linked to both Arduino and Energia IDEs and all of the libraries. It also has a GDB Debugger…

Visual Studio Community… FREE Make sure you install the C++ template when installing…

@Dmitriy guys I’ve installed Eclipse and found all sorts of issues in trying to get Blynk apps going. I get “make file errors” and can’t find Blynk API’s. I’ve searched around for a decent tutorial on how to get started with Eclipse and Blynk but with no success :frowning: I really need to move off the basic Arduino IDE - any pointers to any good youtube video(s) or text documentation ? [Perhaps someone in the Blynk community would be willing to post a recorded youtube video on how to get going with Eclipse and Blynk ?

Hey, just start with hello-world projects first, then find a way to add some libraries, and only then try setting up Blynk. Blynk is a complex piece of software! You have to get used with your new environment.

thanks - thats the hard way :sob: I was hoping you us might have a quick step by step how-to guide ? or simply record a video from your screen that could show how to set it up ?

Sorry, you have to invest a little bit into this - we don’t have a tutorial ready for that yet.
If you find one - you’re welcome to share,

I just use the Arduino IDE but I have been using it for quite a few years.

Over time it becomes fairly clear where the syntax errors are in the code and the secret is to add a bit of code at a time and test the results regularly.

I never write more than about 20 lines of code without trying to recompile a sketch.