Rearranging projects in Blynk IOS App

Is is possible to add a feature to allow rearranging of projects in the app?

I have 5 “production” projects that run various home automation tasks continuously, 4 “sometimes” projects like BBQ temperature monitors that I use occasionally, and 4 “test/dev” projects that I’m in the middle of developing. These are in the order that I thought of them which is not great as I have to scroll to the end for my latest project.

I know this can be done by deleting and recreating the projects, but I don’t really want to go down that path.

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It’s not yet supported, unfortunately.
Idea is good though.

I’m in the same boat . . .projects are in the order I thought of them, would now like to re-arrange into the order I most use them. Great I dea, I would use it regularly as projects come and go.

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I am in the same situation - created projects to “learn” and now that I am actually using some of them regularly (versus development or test) - I find i have Test projects - or things that are just in early phase of development all jumbled together.

While I can certainly live with it. when I show someone what Blynk can do - I have to scroll through the test and development ones to find those that are show-able to others.

Heck if there was even a “hide” option i could use on the test/development ones - that would be super.

All that aside - Thanks for a great system !!!


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