Raspberry Pi B(Revision 1)

Hey since the new update my RPI, seems to disconnect after a while, at least that is what the android app says. It seems to work for only around 1 minute after I start Blynk on my RPI. I updated the hardware-library today and now it does not work anymore.

Please help me.



Hi, could you please tell us what exactly version did you download?

Thank you for your quick reply!

I currently use Blynk v0.2.4.


Please try 0.2.3 - https://github.com/blynkkk/blynk-library/releases/tag/v0.2.3

Will wait for your report =).

just tried it with 0.2.3.
Nothing changed :pensive:
But I discovered something else on 0.2.3 and 0.2.4: Whenever I restart the App on Android while Blynk is running on RPI, the App says: “Your Raspberry Pi B (Rev 1) is not in network”, although it was working just seconds ago.
I think the problem is with the App, which I also updated today.

I hope this information helps


Ok, give me please your login name (email) so I could check logs.

How can I send you a private message?

Click on my name on forum and press “message”

Ok, it seems I identified a problem.
I will start working on it ASAP, but it might take some time…

It should be fixed now (check the master branch).
Thaks for the report!

That was quick!

Thank you very much!
It’s working now