Question Regarding "Users"

Hello, quick question regarding Blynk IOT (2.0) and the different roles in the organization.

I have a “Plus” plan, which allows me to have 10 devices and 10 users for my organization.

I tried using the search function and while I did find some similar posts, nothing that seemed to have an actual answer.

Is there currently any actual purpose to the “user” role? If I invite someone to my organization and want to transfer a device to them I am allowed to do so, but the user never see’s the device and looking through the permissions for the different accounts, it doesn’t look like users are allowed to do anything at all, it is a completely useless or pointless role for me.
Unfortunately, if I give someone “staff” permissions, they have access to all my devices. While this isn’t actually an issue so far I could see how this could become one in the future with a “staff” member accidentally going into a device that isn’t theirs and making inappropriate changes.

“Staff” also seem to have the ability to edit the app, a role I would have thought would have been open to Developer mode only.

Am I missing something here or have the roles and permissions not really been clearly defined here or why do users exist at all in plans that don’t allow them to do anything.

Overall, I’ve really been liking the new Blynk platform but this particular issue has been a head scratcher because I don’t really understand the thought process behind it.

That’s because there isn’t an answer!

Did you read this?

I’m closing this topic, as the issues you’ve raised have already been covered as far as I can see.
If you want to add additional observations, or comments that support a change to the existing default roles, then I’d suggest that you add them to the topic linked above.


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Hi, @hms11 looks like a regression issue on our side.

@MarkPan: issue #20926
User role has pre-defined permissions. But for this account everything permission is disabled in User role.

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Hey Pete,
Thanks for that topic link. I had stumbled across that one but it didn’t appear as if there was any concrete answers and it had been dead for a month or so so I figured I would just check in and see if there had been updates.

@Pavlo Thank you for checking into this and asking @MarkPan to take a look. I’ll check out that issue on github and see what it says, I must have missed it on my glance-through.

Cheers everyone.

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Hard limits on user roles are a mistake.

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No disagreement here but I also understand this is a new product/development with the expected teething pains. There has also been lots going on in the world for many of the Blynk higher ups (whom I believe live or are from Ukraine) that I’m sure is keeping their attention somewhat divided.

The fact that everyone is so responsive to issues here on the forum as well as in GitHub always gives me confidence they will come to a solution, even if it isn’t as quick as some of us would like sometimes.

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Also seems to be some confusion (on my part at least :wink: ) as to what the role of “user” actually is, independent of hierarchy. The way I have defined my system users are net end users. That is, they simply are users of the devices that Blynk happens to run on. They minimally are not aware (or shouldn’t be aware) of what Blynk is and do not (or should not) have to register or otherwise enroll in the Blynk ecosystem. I have provided my users with users and passwords that are pre-setup in Blynk world; all they need do is activate their device via their local WiFi, using their smartphone which has Blynk installed, and find their Device on the app. They are then ready to go. Is this definition of “user” consistent with where Blynk at the Pro level is headed?