Question about Sensor?


Sorry about my question not related to Blynk, but I do not know where to ask.

In my local, many fire accidents reason related to electric accident, most of all are burnout, I want to ask is there any sensor suitable with arduino can “smell” burned plastic wire or “smeech”, sorry my bad English? Like MQ2 can smell Gas, Smoke.


i am trying mq2 &mq7 but not tested with electrcal smoke (yet)

do you use fuses?

Wouldn’t it be better to educate the people on how to safely use electricity? That sounds like a way better idea than this :slight_smile:

Everyone studied how to drive car safe.

Well, point taken. I’d still rather try to fix it instead of working around it, but ok.

Anyway, I see people using gas sensors, but they are very expensive and probably won’t do the job anyway because they are not built for it. I think you could try detecting increase or decrease of current running through the wires. That would be my first idea, but I really don’t know much about electronics myself, just enough to say safe around it.

There are smoke particle detectors that work differently from gas detectors, That might be one solution.

However, i’d be extremely hesitant in developing something, even for friends, that was safety-related. Especially when lives could be at stake.
Who would come after you if your device failed? Could you live with the knowledge that something you did or didn’t do might have contributed?

@pete_l more important to me would be not providing a device that could save the life of my friends.

I understand…maybe it’s a additional solution beside many another solutions. Each solution can not give absolutely safe, but give a chance to decrease accident. Anyway, any sensor? and I just used for my own home, not for my country :smiley: