Promotion code

I have received promotional mail. But I don’t see any promotion code. When I click on " get your discount" it takes me to the main page of my account. but I don’t see any promotion code here.
Please help me.

I saw. but it seems that the Pro 100 user plan is not on the promotion list?

Hello. It’s a coupon issue. We’ll fix it soon.

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Please inform for me when it done. Thanks!

Could you please try once again? If it doesn’t work, you can sign up as is and we’ll issue a 50% refund.

(Removed your screenshot)

It ok now, Thanks.

I received a notice about the coupon once, but now that I’m ready to take advantage of the offer I can’t seem to find the code, nor have I received another notice. How do I generate the offer again. I have signed in and out of my app, but that doesn’t seem to generate the offer again.