Problem reading 433mhz signals

That’s correct.
I’m not a fan of using D numbers, I prefer to use GPIO numbers.
Some GPIO pins aren’t suitable for use with sensors, and GPIO15 isn’t a great choice. See this thread for more info…

Provided you connect it up correctly, this hardware is pretty-much bulletproof. Powering it from 5v or 3.3v on the NodeMCU works fine for me.

I think the issue is that RC Switch just isn’t recognising the 433MHz commands, so isn’t producing any response. Exactly the same thing happened for me and I ended-up doing the Audacity thing, but in the post I made to the MySensors forum I provided a link to another utility which did work for my particular remote transmitter.

Car remote key fobs generally tend to use rolling code systems and you won’t get any joy trying to listen to them with RC Switch.
