PostgreSQL Data Export

Hello all,

Have managed to install PostgreSQL, enabled the raw DB logging in my server properties. My postgres log does show it starting up. I currently have one pin (V0) that I am updating a heartbeat value every second. This is shown on my iOS app in a History Graph and a Super Chart. When I export from iOS, the resulting csv file is still the 1 minute average and I am sure that is what is expected.

My question is how to obtain all that raw data so I can see every heartbeat value posted? Does anyone have any experience on a rPi or other Linux servers on this? PostgreSQL website listed LibreOffice as a client, but thus far I have had no luck connecting from LibreOffice to the database running on my server. So close…the data may be there, but so far not able to figure out a way to obtain it or export it! Doh!! :slight_smile:

Thanks for any input, insight or direction!


Hello. Checkout - An example of Web desktop based on raw storage


Thanks for the link, I will install Metabase both on my Mac and on the device running my Blynk server to try both out…

I see on the Metabase website that one will need to setup the connection to the database. This requires HostName, Port, Database Name, Username, Password. Just need to figure out theses values based off the install steps one followed when setting up the Blynk Server for raw data.

HostName: Assuming this is the IP address or name of my server
Port: 5432 is the default according to PostgreSQL website
Database Name: blynk
Username: postgres
Password: Was there a default password from the way one setup the blynk database in the install?


This are defaults -

However, you may use postgres account as well. Usually it is allowed from localhost only.


I am not having any luck with the Mac version of Metabase. Here are my settings so far. I know the SSH tunnel settings should be correct as I am able to connect via Cyberduck using those same parameters. I am also going to try running Metabase locally on my device, but in the long run, my Mac is where I need the data.


So the answer was a full reboot and restart of my device…I can now connect to the database! Awesome stuff!