Continuing the discussion from #error "Please specify your BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID and BLYNK_DEVICE_NAME" Blynk 2.0:

Appending this to this post since the topic is similar. When I attempt to compile my program on Sparkfun ESP32 Thing, I am getting the same error “Please specify your BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID and BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME”. I am attaching code and also a copy of the compiler error message. I am using BLYNK library 1.3.2. The TEMPLATE ID and NAME define lines are at the start of the code (actual ID/name is omitted), and there is no confusion about DEVICE NAME and TEMPLATE NAME, as described by Pete. I loaded this code successfully previously, but now when I return to it to tweak it, it wont compile. Im wondering if there is a conflict from an updated version of a library or firmware or something. Thanks for help.

// Fill-in information from your Blynk Template here
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "xxxxxxxx"
#define BLYNK_DEVICE_NAME "xxxxxxxxx"

#define BLYNK_FIRMWARE_VERSION        "0.1.0"

#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
#define APP_DEBUG //not sure this is needed

#include "BlynkEdgent.h"
#include "TimeLib.h"

BlynkTimer timer;
String Currentwkdaytext;

BLYNK_CONNECTED() { //when device is connected to server....
  Blynk.sendInternal("rtc", "sync");  //request current local time for device. This runs once at the beginning when connected
BLYNK_WRITE(V0)  //checks to see if V0 pin (Gate Control button on app) has changed
  int pinValue = param.asInt();  //assigning incoming value from pin V0 to a variable
  digitalWrite(5,pinValue);  //sends High or Low value to digital pin 5 on ESP32 Thing.  This is connected to gate control circuit

BLYNK_WRITE(InternalPinRTC) //check the value of InternalPinRTC where time is stored internally. Reports time when gate status was last checked - which is every second
  long t = param.asLong();  //store the time in t variable if it has changed
time_t current = t;   //this section uses Time Library to convert Unix time to normal time
int CurrentSecond = second(current);
int CurrentMinute = minute(current);
int CurrentHour = hour(current);
int CurrentDay = day(current);
int CurrentMonth = month(current);
int CurrentYear = year(current);
int CurrentWeekday = weekday(current);

String NewTime = "";  //this section formats each component of time so it can be displayed on app 

if (CurrentWeekday == 1)
{ NewTime += String("Sun  ");
if (CurrentWeekday == 2)
{ NewTime += String("Mon  ");
if (CurrentWeekday == 3)
{ NewTime += String("Tue  ");
if (CurrentWeekday == 4)
{ NewTime += String("Wed  ");
if (CurrentWeekday == 5)
{ NewTime += String("Thu  ");
if (CurrentWeekday == 6)
{ NewTime += String("Fri  ");
if (CurrentWeekday == 7)
{ NewTime += String("Sat  ");

      NewTime += String(CurrentMonth) + "/";
      NewTime += String(CurrentDay) + "/";
      int yearshort = CurrentYear-2000;  //shortens 2017 to just 17
      NewTime += String(yearshort) + "  ";
      int newHour = CurrentHour; //next lines convert 24 hr clock to 12 hr clock
     if (newHour > 12)
      newHour = CurrentHour - 12;
      NewTime += String(newHour) + ":";
     if (CurrentMinute<10)
      NewTime += String("0");
     NewTime += String(CurrentMinute) + ":";
     if (CurrentSecond<10)
      NewTime += String("0");
    NewTime += String(CurrentSecond);
    NewTime += String(" PM");
    NewTime += String(newHour) + ":";
    if (CurrentMinute<10)
      NewTime += String("0");
    NewTime += String(CurrentMinute) + ":";
    if (CurrentSecond<10)
      NewTime += String("0");
    NewTime += String(CurrentSecond);
    NewTime += String(" AM");
Blynk.virtualWrite(V2, NewTime);

void myTimer()  //This runs once a second and sends gate status to app, updates time from server to internal pin, which is reported out in code above
  uint8_t redState = digitalRead(25); 
  uint8_t greenState = digitalRead(26);
  // Read the door switch pin
  // Pin 25 is pulled low internally. If the switch (and door) is open,
  // pin 25 is LOW. If the switch is closed (door too), pin 25 is HIGH.
  // LOW = open
  // HIGH = closed
   Blynk.sendInternal("rtc", "sync"); 
  if (redState == HIGH && greenState == LOW)  //if pin 25(Red LED) is on and pin 26(Green LED) is off
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, "CLOSED"); // Update virtual variable, sent to app
  if (redState == LOW && greenState == HIGH) //if pin25(Red LED) is off and pin 26(Green LED) is off
    Blynk.virtualWrite(V1, "OPEN"); 
  if (redState == LOW && greenState == LOW) //if both LED are off - (and presumably yellow is on/flashing)
    Blynk.virutalWrite(V1, "Gate Moving...");

void setup()
  pinMode(25,INPUT); //for Red LED
  pinMode(26, INPUT); //for Green LED 
  timer.setInterval(1000L, myTimer);
void loop() {;;
In file included from c:\Users\wmklm\Documents\WMK\Hobbies\Arduino\My Arduino Sketches\libraries\Blynk\src/BlynkApiArduino.h:14,
                 from c:\Users\wmklm\Documents\WMK\Hobbies\Arduino\My Arduino Sketches\libraries\Blynk\src/BlynkSimpleEsp32_SSL.h:21,
                 from C:\Users\wmklm\Documents\WMK\Hobbies\Arduino\My Arduino Sketches\Blynk 2.0 and ESP32 sketches NEW\ESP32_Gate_Status_Final_Code_Blynk_2.0_26Jan23\BlynkEdgent.h:8,
                 from C:\Users\wmklm\Documents\WMK\Hobbies\Arduino\My Arduino Sketches\Blynk 2.0 and ESP32 sketches NEW\ESP32_Gate_Status_Final_Code_Blynk_2.0_26Jan23\ESP32_Gate_Status_Final_Code_Blynk_2.0_26Jan23.ino:12:
c:\Users\wmklm\Documents\WMK\Hobbies\Arduino\My Arduino Sketches\libraries\Blynk\src/Blynk/BlynkApi.h:39:6: error: #error "Please specify your BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID and BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME"
     #error "Please specify your BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID and BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME"

exit status 1

Compilation error: exit status 1

There clearly is, because the code you’ve posted has…

when that should be TEMPLATE name, not DEVICE name and your compiler error message is telling you exactly that…

Anyone else having this error messaage shluld read this topic…

@wmklmr’s issue falls into scenario 3 in that topic.


OK, Im an idiot! Somehow overlooked this even though I was looking for it! Replacing BLYNK_DEVICE_NAME with BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME allows the code to compile, as Pete said it would. Hopefully this will help others. Thanks

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Sometimes its the stuff that’s right under your nose that’s the hardest to see :grinning:

Glad it’s sorted.
