Please Help with Arduino-Blynk (SERVO)

I am a Grade 12 student working on a prosthetic hand using the Arduino. I found out about Blynk through research and wanted to give it a shot. Right now, I am using USB Communication until my HM-10 module arrives.

Specifications and Components Used:

  • 9v External Power Supply
  • Arduino Mega 2560
  • 2 Servo Motors (LKY62)
  • iPhone 7 (iOS 11.4.1)
  • Blynk Library Version: v0.6.1

I am trying to use 5-6 Servo Motors (LKY62), but I want to test out two motors before I attempt 5-6.
I tried editing the default servo code in the ‘Blynk Examples’ editor online. Just added more servo motors and added them into different virtual pins.
I can establish the connection with my iPhone to Blynk, and have added a button on Virtual Pin 3. From 0 - 180, on Switch option. Then the same thing with Virtual Pin 4. However, whenever I press the button, nothing happens. When I try the default code, with the same button on Virtual Pin 3, it works.
I am guessing that it’s the problem with the code, because my connections are simple. I have an external 9v power supply attached to the Arduino and have attached the Servo Motors to their designated pins as well as ground/power pins.

// Import LIBRARIES of Blynk and Servo
#include <BlynkSimpleStream.h>
#include <Servo.h>

char auth[] = "2d04f26f1f6f4eb5b01d96f3827c771b";

Servo myservo1;
// myservo1 is PINKY FINGER
Servo myservo2;
// myservo2 is RING FINGER
Servo myservo3;
// myservo3 is MIDDLE FINGER
Servo myservo4;
// myservo4 is INDEX FINGER
Servo myservo5;
// myservo5 is THUMB

//BLYNK Virtual Pins' Functions: 
  myservo4.write(param.asInt()); // Control INDEX FINGER with Motor Rotation

  myservo3.write(param.asInt()); // Control MIDDLE FINGER with Motor Rotation

  myservo2.write(param.asInt()); // Control RING FINGER with Motor Rotation

  myservo1.write(param.asInt()); // Control PINKY FINGER with Motor Rotation

  myservo5.write(param.asInt()); // Control THUMB with Motor Rotation

// VOID SETUP (Blynk and Servo Motor - Digital Pins): 
void setup()
  // Blynk will work through Serial
  // Do not read or write this serial manually in your sketch
  Blynk.begin(Serial, auth);

  // myservo1 is on digital pin 9
  // myservo2 is on digital pin 10
  // myservo3 is on digital pin 11
  // myservo4 is on digital pin 12
  // myservo5 is on digital pin 13

// VOID LOOP: Blynk will run infinite amount of times until disconnected
void loop()

Have you tested your servos and the digital pins you chose with some basic Servo code (looping rotations, etc.) before trying with Blynk? This is a necessary test to confirm the Servo library, choice of pins, wiring and power all work.

You will be better off sticking with the USB link or using an ESP-01 as a WiFi shield, instead of Bluetooth.

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