Plant health monitor v2

hello all,
blynk is a much needed upgrade for the plant doctor instruments.
i’m working on a blynk integrated v2 plant monitor that i had created few years back. this is what i have so far;
it uses soil sensor, light sensor, temp/humid sensor and an rgb led to alarm locally.
blue color blinks when thirsty/too wet
yellow blinks when not enough light/sleeping
red blinks when too hot/cold
but it isn’t the most stable, best setup yet at all as my programming skills are novice at best :slight_smile:
maybe you can suggest me some improvements. when i try to push the board to do all that i suggested, it stops responding. and looking at how much more others have going on with their nodemcu setup, i know that my problem is software related
love & peace

If you use Adafruit DHT library it turns off interrupts which might cause issues on ESP. Apart from that your code should be ok. I’m not saying this is directly cause of your problems but it might have something to do with it.

You can use Ticker instead of SimpleTimer its better on ESP.

i thought i was using the adafruit dht. how to check.?
also have no clue on how to use the ticker either :slight_smile: never heard of it before even.
and this is the bare minimum code. i don’t even have too high too low settings like with “if else then” also i’m not sure what read frequencies to choose, i said “push” to dht11. in the code it’s virtual write every 5 seconds.