One Device "Spoofing" Another Device

I’m looking for a way for device #1 to connect to (and communicate with) the Blynk cloud server using auth token #1,

   Blynk.begin(auth token #1, ssid, password);

while at the same time “maintaining the connection” corresponding to auth token #2. The Blynk cloud server doesn’t need to communicate using auth token #2 (and vice versa) other than to maintain the connection (e.g., heartbeat).

For anyone that’s dug into the Blynk Arduino firmware library, any suggestions in terms of how to achieve this? I understand it’ll be a hack. It could involve the Blynk RESTful API. I’m not hung up on the specific techique.

I rather not get into my motivation at this time. If I can make it work, I’ll expand on my intentions.


A basic Blynk Blink sketch is just that.

So you are simply wanting two devices, one sits and does nothing and the other does whatever you are doing. It does sound strange :thinking:

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It seem his board is running but not stable sometimes while the job is still going on and need to be controlled so I suppose his question is about that to make the 2nd one to continue doing the job anytime the 1st one going to instability :slight_smile:

Hard to say… One Auth used on both devices? Two Auths for one device? Two auths for two devices?

As I tend mention many a time, it is difficult to assist without all the details :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Maybe an ESP32 with different Blynk connections running on different cores?
No idea if this is actually possible BTW!


I apologize for the delay in responding …

Let me dig into the Blynk Arduino firmware library and see if I can’t better understand how the heartbeat mechanism works. I only want to communicate with the Blynk cloud server using one auth token at a time, however, I want to maintain the connection status as “online” corresponding to the other auth token.

perhaps you need a proxy server that fakes the heartbeat for #2, so Blynk server thinks it is taking to a device with auth #2 but the heartbeats are fake.