I have an ESP8266 Thing (from Sparkfun) board which sends notifications every 2 minutes. None of the notifications are coming through on my iPhone 6 running the latest iOS version.
I have tested with my local Blynk server as well as with the official server - same behaviour.
I have tested in both cases with an Android device and notifications are working as expected.
How can i debug this issue as i seem to be the only one having this issue…
Notifications for iOS are not supported on local server. This is iOS limitation. Regarding cloud blynk server - please check your notification setting, most probably issue is there.
I also have this issue with my iPhone 4s iOS 9.3.1. Basically, whenever I clicked a button, I’d get a notification (i know there’s a one minute limit), and it worked for about 20-30 minutes, and suddenly, it stopped working. I tried re-connecting the Arduino Board (I’m using serial), with no changes to the code, and suddenly it no longer worked.
I have a door monitor that tells me if the door is left open. Although I can see the correct print out in serial monitor happens, I am not getting any notifications on my iphone now either. I am using iPhone 6 version 9.1, Blynk 0.3.7 on a wemos mini D1. This sketch worked a few days ago, I have not made any changes to blynk notifications on my phone.
@Dmitriy, I went back and checked my notes. The messages were working fine on Monday, I did not check anything tuesday. Did some testing today and noticed they do not work today. I have not upgraded my ios since Monday and it is not the latest ios version.
@mpo881 thanks, checked logs - no errors on our side. It could be an issue in google. @ashvetsov please check on ios client.
Although my esp8266 thing board is not up and running you can check my life from 1 day ago. I tested on iOS 9.3 and 10 (yeah, I have it :-)). I can do some more tests but tomorrow morning only (i.e. Central European time). I did understand that local servers can’t send notifications to iOS devices but is there a solution for this? I mean I can’t use a public service regardless of it’s costs or reliability :-((
You can use Android. As I said this iOS limitation it doesn’t allow that (to use different auth tokens for same app in that case). Howerver local Blynk server supports emails and sms (you have to pay for sms). And some blynkers did sms via emails (you dont have to pay for sms).
@leonardpitzu @marcofusco @mpo881 look like exactly this issue is related with Blynk iOS client. Investigating.
Notifications are working again now on my project
Maybe I spoke too soon. I have been getting mixed results. @leonardpitzu @marcofusco what have you noticed?
@mpo881 , I just uploaded this simple sketch and it appears to be working just fine now:
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial SwSerial(2, 3);
#define BLYNK_PRINT SwSerial
#include <BlynkSimpleSerial.h>
char auth[] = "762ba94596224bbaa14d415813b89617";
void setup() {
void loop() {
Blynk.notify("you will receive another one in 60 seconds.");
iOS 9.3.1
iPhone 4s
according to your code you are sending notifications in an endless loop thus overflowing the server. You should send notifications at least 60 seconds apart. If you have a local server you’ll see in the logs that the server is rejecting messages as they are coming way too fast.
Coming back to our notifications issues: i see notifications on iOS using the official Blynk server!
Just something I observed: When I select HIGH priority or the option to receive a notification when the Arduino disconnects, I don’t receive notifications when I should. Just thought I’d share.