Not Getting Help from Support

I just update to Pro to do a project with an Arduino One board.

I signed up for the intro 15 minutes Zoom meeting, but the person didn’t show.

I tried to contact support, but I got a reply saying that tickets are for PRO users only (like I said, I’m a PRO user, paid the first month yesterday).

How do I get Blynk attention?

Please help.

Hi there,

Looks like there was a hiccup with zoom links for a call. Sorry for that.
Blynk team will get in touch with you soon to reschedule.

Also, your ticket is in the system and will be processed within 2 business days according to PRO plan support.

Thanks! I appreciate the quick reply!

When I saw the automatic reply that I needed to upgrade to PRO when I had already done it, I got worried…

I already have rescheduled a meeting for Monday morning, and looking forward to Tech Support reply!

Try to get Technical Support again today with my Pro Plan and I’m still getting this screenshot:

I’m still having problem getting my board online. I keep getting this error:

C:\Users\marco\Downloads\sketch_apr12a\sketch_apr12a.ino:17:10: fatal error: WiFi101.h: No such file or directory
#include <WiFi101.h>
compilation terminated.
exit status 1

Compilation error: WiFi101.h: No such file or directory

Can you please make sure support is getting my requests and advise on my issue? Thanks