Thanks for your detailed reply, the line sensors. request was in a sketch that revolved around combining a dht22 and ds18 published by another blynker. I haven’t run his code yet due to board problems. All I know is he said it worked. That’s where the dostrf bits came from and t-buffer. I’ll be back, waiting on slow boat from China.
As I read through that post I really felt for the guy, I get it that this forum is about Blynk and not code, but a lot of new people come here for help because it was the snazzy GUI that brought us.
I’m happy that this particular guy came back after Costas got him going to post the code for the rest of us, that was kind, and we all could use some kindness, but I fear that the Blynk community may never see him again.
Perhaps the solution might be a “Code Corner” division of the “noob” section where there might be folks who have the inclination for “hand-holding” help with these problems. I say the more the merrier, invite everyone to play with Blynk, only success and good feelings will follow.
I’ll work on trying to get the dht info you requested.
here’s the only dht file I found doing a search:
// FILE: dht.h
// AUTHOR: Rob Tillaart
// VERSION: 0.1.14
// PURPOSE: DHT Temperature & Humidity Sensor library for Arduino
// URL:
// see dht.cpp file
#ifndef dht_h
#define dht_h
// #if ARDUINO < 100
// #include <WProgram.h>
// #else
// #include <Arduino.h>
// #endif
#include "c_types.h"
#define DHT_LIB_VERSION "0.1.14"
#define DHTLIB_OK 0
#define DHTLIB_DHT11_WAKEUP 18
#define DHT_DEBUG
// max timeout is 100 usec.
// For a 16 Mhz proc 100 usec is 1600 clock cycles
// loops using DHTLIB_TIMEOUT use at least 4 clock cycli
// so 100 us takes max 400 loops
// so by dividing F_CPU by 40000 we "fail" as fast as possible
// ESP8266 uses delay_us get 1us time
#define DHTLIB_TIMEOUT (100)
// Platform specific I/O definitions
#define DIRECT_READ(pin) (0x1 & GPIO_INPUT_GET(GPIO_ID_PIN(pin_num[pin])))
#define DIRECT_MODE_INPUT(pin) GPIO_DIS_OUTPUT(pin_num[pin])
#define DIRECT_WRITE_LOW(pin) (GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(GPIO_ID_PIN(pin_num[pin]), 0))
#define DIRECT_WRITE_HIGH(pin) (GPIO_OUTPUT_SET(GPIO_ID_PIN(pin_num[pin]), 1))
// return values:
int dht_read_universal(uint8_t pin);
int dht_read11(uint8_t pin);
int dht_read(uint8_t pin);
int dht_read21(uint8_t pin);
int dht_read22(uint8_t pin);
int dht_read33(uint8_t pin);
int dht_read44(uint8_t pin);
double dht_getHumidity(void);
double dht_getTemperature(void);
I believe it came from a dht master file,