NodeMCU, wemos and other ESP8266 boards PIN mapping

First of all thank you for your great effort to achieve this excellent project.

We are teaching IoT in a class using nodeMCU and wemos d1 mini boards. For the students sometimes is complicated to understand the differences between GPIO pin numbering and D numbers printed on the board.

In arduino IDE we have used definition mapping but this is now included in the IDE so there is no need to map.

Obsolete mappings for ESP8266 boards

#define D0 16
#define D1 5 // I2C Bus SCL (clock)
#define D2 4 // I2C Bus SDA (data)
#define D3 0
#define D4 2 // Same as “LED_BUILTIN”, but inverted logic
#define D5 14 // SPI Bus SCK (clock)
#define D6 12 // SPI Bus MISO
#define D7 13 // SPI Bus MOSI
#define D8 15 // SPI Bus SS (CS)
#define D9 3 // RX0 (Serial console)
#define D10 1 // TX0 (Serial console)

Can you please add the mappings to Blynk app?

To make things clear, can you change it so in the pin selection there is Digital Analog Virtual and in PIN there is D3 (gp16) pwm and so on for every PIN. View both GPIO and D numbers

I have searched the topic (not thoroughly) and i haven’t found anything close to this idea.
Thank you

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The Blynk side of this request seems like a good idea, and could reduce the number of support queries - provided the user selects the correct type of board and doesn’t use the same auth code on different types of devices.

For future comparability and cross-platform portability, I’d reccomend against using the NodeMCU Dpin numbers - or at least keeping your mapping table so that it can be easily changed if the hardware platform changes.
