NodeMcu v2 - app does not show correct state on GPIO when it INPUT_PULLUP

Never said it won’t work… just basically pointing out that some pins have peculiar issues.

As for the Sonoff Basic, no problem using the built-in button on GPIO0.

I have some Blynkified Sonoff code here that I started with, but it does have some issues with “switch bounce”.

I have since then improved with more reliable anti-bounce code that I found in the tubes, for said button… but all mine now work on Virtuino instead of Blynk, so that is the only code I have handy and do not feel up to editing and testing my existing Blynk code right now.

But here is a snippet of the button monitoring with anti-bounce that you can probably merge if desired…

uint32_t start, dbStart;
const byte pysBtn = 0, led = 13, rly = 12, dbTime = 15;
bool pinState = true,
     btnState = true,
     prevBtnState = true,
     latch = false;
  pinMode(pysBtn, INPUT);  // Button
  pinMode(rly, OUTPUT);  // Relay
  pinMode(led, OUTPUT);  // LED
void PhysButton() {
// Monitor and Debounce Physical Button
  if (digitalRead(pysBtn) != pinState) {  // get state of GPIO 0
    dbStart = millis();      // reset db timer
    pinState = !pinState;    // now they are equal, won't enter
  }                          // here again unless pin state changes
  if (millis() - dbStart > dbTime) {  // db timer has elapsed
    btnState = pinState;  // button state is valid
  if (btnState != prevBtnState && btnState == HIGH) { // btnState changed
    // if button pressed and NOT latched
    if (!latch) {
      latch = true;    // prevents entry while latched
      digitalWrite(led, HIGH);  // LED ON
      digitalWrite(rly, LOW);  // Relay OFF
    } else {
      // if button pressed while latched,
      latch = false;
      digitalWrite(led, LOW);  // LED OFF
      digitalWrite(rly, HIGH);  // Relay ON
    if (latch) {
      V_memory[1] = 1;  // Update Virtuino Button Widget ON
    } else {
      V_memory[1] = 0;  // Update Virtuino Button Widget OFF
  prevBtnState = btnState;