nodeMCU RGB conntroller unstable with DTH-22 sensor


I have a problem with the nodeMCU module.
On this module are 2 functions Implemented

  1. DTH-22 sensor (temp, Humi)
  2. RGBW led controller on pin(GPIO12, 13, 14 ,15) based on IRF520 MOSFET.

The DTH-22 sensor works and the RGBW controller as wel.
But the RGBW controller flashes when sending temp and Humidity data to the server.

I like to have a stable controller of course. How could help me with this issue.
I used the template from the:

The RGB is controlled by zeRGBa tested both options:
Split and merge.

p.s I get frustrated that I cant make it stable :wink:
=> Hope someone could help me out.


timer.setInterval(60000L, sendSensor);

no need to get temp every seconds

Dear Alexis,

Thanks for you replay I strongly appreciate that.
About the solution you propose. This reduce the problem I agree but it don’t solve it. still we have a flashes every 60 sec.

Do you have ore someone else a solution that solve the problem completely.

Stick a decent separate power supply on your ESP, and connect the ground of that supply with the ground of your Arduino board.


You need to provide more details about your exact situation…

  • How you have everything wired.
  • Power sources.
  • How is the mosfet involved.
  • Exactly what type of WRGB LED are you using (like simple 5 pin or some form of NeoPixel?
  • Show us the exact sketch used (there is no WRGB control in that example sketch. Besides the ZeRGBa doesn’t have a control option for any White channel.