Nodemcu goes offline after a few minutes

Yes i mean this i use now my own blynk account and this is working on the frankfurt server :wink:

Ok then i change it to 74880

My wifi distance to the node is maybe 4-5 meters think not thats the problem

Yes thats a good idea then on saturday i leave a laptop on it that i can monitor with teamviewer

That should be perfect, but if the device isn’t rebooting each time the connection drops then the issue is most likely somewhere along the route between your device and your router, or the router to the Blynk server. Knowledge of whether or not a reboot occurs each time the connection is dropped, and if so what the reboot cause is would be extremely useful in narrowing-down the issue.


If your router is a cheap one that could be the problem. I have found from experience certain brands work better than others. In Canada I use a $150 Asus.

Its a speedport w724v

But other hardware works, i have a raspberry pi 3 with hassio and its never offline it works for months

So why aren’t you using Node-Red and the Blynk plug-in and controlling your NodeMCU via MQTT?
I personally never run Blynk code on my devices, they are all running MQTT with Node-Red acting as the ‘glue’ that provides the Blynk integration.


because i want the blynk interface, i.e. the app and the dashboard.

Yes, that’s exactly what you get when you use the Blynk plug-in for Node-Red.


yes i tried it once i couldn’t get it to work so i looked for someone on freelancer. So I don’t know how, so to speak. So the add-on yes, but I did not get the mqtt to run. And how to connect it… i appreciate these devices and programs but unfortunately i just don’t have the time to “program” them so that they work together. set that, but not I call it connect.

Well, that approach didn’t work very well, did it?

The problem is that if you want to do customised home automation projects then you have to get your hands dirty at some point. The advantage of Node-Red is that it’s a drag and drop visual environment, which can make it easy to get started quickly - but it’s also very powerful and allows you to do more advanced stuff if you wish.


my home automation works it all works just integrating it into hassio blynk did not work i did not get the mqtt to work i did not know how to connect it to blynk