nodeMCU ESP8266 COUNTER- blyink

Hi, I’m a beginner to blynk and esp2866. This may be a small project for this forum sorry for that. I just need a simple counter which a a sensor attached to DI of esp8266 and i want to show the counter in my mobile phone through Blynk. The maximum counting frequency would be 10 counts per second.

  1. what would happen if the wifi network getting disconnected? does it upload the current counter value when it reconnect to the network again?

does anyone have any kind of sample code similar to this? then i can learn from it. appreciate your time and effort.

That depends on how you write your code, and whether you are expecting to see a simple cumulative count, or the values/frequency in a time related manner, such as in the SuperChart widget.

Loading historic data into SuperChart isn’t possible, but showing the latest cumulative value in a value display widget is not a problem.

My advice would be to take a look at the sketch builder examples (in the banner at the top of the page) and have a play with them.
You’ll need to start learning how to modify C++ sketches, so start experimenting and learning.


Thank you i will look for examples…

does anyone have a simple code similar to my project?
Then it would be easy to understand everything. Thank you very much
