Nodemcu can't connect to wifi (using mobile hotspot)

I wanna ask, i have issues when uploading program using nodemcu, nodemcu can’t connect the wifi (using mobile hotspot), and also in serial monitor blank
what should i do to fix those?
My code like this:

[Unformatted code removed by moderator]

@triyunita please edit your post, using the pencil icon at the bottom, and add triple backticks at the beginning and end of your code so that it displays correctly.
Triple backticks look like this:

Also, I have deleted your duplicate topic. Please do not create duplicate topics in future.


Hi all,
I had a similar issue so I thought I would post here in case it helps anyone else.
I have built a 3 phase power monitor to measure my home power usage before installing solar panels. It uses a Wemos D1 mini and connected to a Blynk app. It’s been working flawlessly for months.
A nearby museum has solar panels but they have a huge power bill as well so I thought I could help and monitor their usage. Unfortunately they don’t have WiFi so I thought I could use my old 4Gee WiFi hotspot.
I could connect to the hotspot no trouble but it would not connect to the Blynk server.
After much investigation I changed the hotspot encryption from WAP2 to WAP and it all works a treat.
I now have a fully mobile gadget which I’m sure will find many uses!
Happy Blynking!

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