NodeJS Blynk - Code Examples for Basic Tasks (Work in Progress)

2 - Simple “Delay/Pause” Function

Here is a simple “Delay/Pause” function (EDIT - that appears to be blocking?.. will post a better option soon :blush: )

// Adjustable sleep/delay function
function sleep(milliseconds) {
  var start = new Date().getTime();
  for (var i = 0; i < 1e7; i++) {
    if ((new Date().getTime() - start) > milliseconds){

Usage is like this…

sleep(1000);  // Wait a second before proceeding

And thanks to @zeeko for pointing me in the right direction with some code snippets.

Here is a silly little routine for Blinking a Virtual LED when the button is on.

There is probably much nicer ways of doing this, but it works and shows how an interval and timeout timer work.

const BlinkButton = new blynk.VirtualPin(26);  // Setup Button Widget
const BlinkLED = new blynk.VirtualPin(27);  // Setup LED Widget
var intervalId;

BlinkButton.on('write', function(param) {  // Watches for virtual Blink Button
  if (param == 1) {  // If Button OFF
		} else if (param == 0) {  // If Button ON

function run() {
	intervalId = setInterval(blinkON, 1000);  // Repeat every second

function stop() {

function blinkON() {
	blynk.virtualWrite(27, 255);  // Virtual LED OFF
	setTimeout(blinkOFF, 500);  // Run in 1/2 second

function blinkOFF() {
	blynk.virtualWrite(27, 0);  // Virtual LED ON