No way to clear label property after setting one


can you please consider the following situation :

  • add a switch widget and connnect it to a virtual pin
  • set the ‘label’ property of the widget with any string

the height of the switch will be reduced to allow the label string to be displayed

after this, there is no way to remove the label display, I tried :

  • sending an empty string label
  • removing the widget and re-create it
  • removing the datastream an re-create it

but the switch always kept a reduced size, leaving room for a blank label

this is very embarassing when a label has been sent by error or is no more needed

it seems to be the same with all widgets accepting the label property

is there a workaround ?

thank you

Hi, you can clear device datastream properties in web console. I’ve forwarded proposition about some hardware api for that to the team.

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that’s kind of useful help !
thanks for the tip