New version of Blynk Platform. Sign up for Beta

Made a brief list. This is of course not all, but the key features:

  • Web dashboard with Label, Switch, Slider and Graph widgets for every device. Same as we have in the app but on the web

  • Device metadata - custom properties for every device. For example, timezone of the device or manufacturer. Could be added to any device and filled by end user or owner of the device

  • Permission based control. Every user now has a role. Every role has a permission that can control any aspect of the platform. For example, allow to share the device, allow to perform control actions over device, allow to create the device, etc

  • User/organization/device management by invites or by registration flow

  • Device events - now specific events for the device could be manged and controlled via special object - event. the most basic example is online/offline event. You can add own events and cover them with notifications and view on the web or mobile in a separate view. Another example of this event could be OTA udpate

  • Datastreams (virtual pin, for example - is the sub type of the datastream). Datastream now has dozens of settings like type, units, formatting, min/max, default value. It is now global setting and doesn’t depend on the widget. Here is some cool features:

    • Invalidate - allows to set some value after certain period of inactivity
    • Confirmation - allows to define the state of the widget based on feedback from the device. For example, you click on the button and it changes it state if response from the hardware comes or resets to the previous value if no response from the hardware in a certain period of time
  • OTA with detailed reports and detailed events per device

  • Log events for every device - ability to see any action over certain device (who, when and from where did something over the device)

  • Log events for every user - ability to see any action of any user (any user you have access to)

  • Search across everything - little search engine within the system

  • Very powerful rule engine (no UI yet, but rules are already configured and used for some clients) with formulas, inheritance and cross product/device communication

  • Analytic chart - allows to analyze the raw data of the device in the web without need in the external tools

  • Analytics across organizations/products/users/devices

  • Provisioning out of the box. We expect it to be the default

  • Fixed eventor, now works on Android/iOS and works across all devices + improved timers and sunset/sunrise events. No need in Time Input anymore

  • Groups