Hello. I have installed Blynk server on ubuntu 16.04 on Java8 (latest).
I have forwarded all required ports from my router.
I can acces the server from local IP (192.168…) but once i live my home network i cannot access the blynk server from the APP. The app stays on Connecting… forever.
I am sure the port forwarding it’s ok for 2 reasons:
i have checked if the ports are open. they are, all of them.
i can login in administration page (:9443) with no problems from https://myhostname:9443/admin
no matter what device i use or what network (3G, 4G all of them work)
The only thing that does not work is the app. The app works just fine on blynk.cc server (or on my local server when i log in on 192.168.xxx.xxx with port 8443). The phone app cannot login with myhostname / port 8443 no matter if i am on my own wifi or if i am using cellular data…
The server.properties file seems to be just fine but who knows…region is set to local. Here i am not sure what should i have set…local or the name of my host?
I am pulling my hair out. For the last 3 hours i have searched (and followed) a lot of others topics and ideas. None of them seems to work for me… What i am doing wrong?
P.S. I have another java server that works on 8082 for a very long time. Never had one problem with it, before or after i have installed Blynk.
I am willing to try whatever suggestion i will get. Thank you in advance.
While i was connected on my own wifi i have created an user from the app. the user is there, just fine.
I have even created a “project” with a button. i can see both users (the admin and the app created one) from the server admin page.
P.S. The server have sent me the token (by email) for the new created user.
When i said the app works fine on blynk server i mean i have a project there that works already. I meant it’s nothing wrong with the phone app (as others have had, apparently)
@psoro: there i have set the name of my domain. Not an IP. But that was not the problem…to my total shame.
Although the router have had all the ports forwarded correctly for blynk, the mistake was mine.
The web access for the router itself was (amazingly) set up on 8443 for https. So… exactly the 8443 was ignored by the router since it was his own access port… Once i have changed that port for the router access my server works like a charm.
For other people like me: Do not look just on the port forwarding table. In my case, the 8443 was set up for blynk app on the forwarding table. But since the router itself was using it (administration page of the router) the forward i have done there was ignored. That is why i was able to login on https://myhost.com:9443/admin with no issues. Because all the ports were forwarded but 8443…