New Android Release 2.26.5

Ufff :cold_sweat:

But just noticed something else: Look at the left Y-axis of the screenshot from my previous post and all those digits (decimal places). I had it set to ONE decimal place, just tried to reset those, but app refused to do so! The weird thing is, on another chart (different widget) it is correctly set at just #.#. How to fix it??

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That’s strange, I’ll check it. Decimals option is only for tapnhold values preview, on y axises we had worked on a better formatting for cases like here: SuperChar Axes range

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Thanks… I’m aware of the mentioned topic.
I tried everything: messing with settings, deleting and recreating stream and even reproducing issue on another - correctly displayed- chart. No go… :thinking: I haven’t tried recreating widget and manual checking the user profile file on server.

It looks like a bug for the case when range of y values is >= 5, I’ll check it on my side

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Might be- thanks for suggestion. Changing the range to fixed magnitude of 10 temporarily “fixed” the issue

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@BlynkAndroidDev, another annoying “insect” in the SuperChart’s garden: A two stream graph, with split Y-axis 0-50% for one and 50-100% for another stream. They displays fine initially, look below:

Now just scroll back in time. And what we see? Look:

The bottom stream now shows values it never received, below “zero”

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What’s the setting of that stream with issues? Are you using some delta scale option or not?

No, no DELTA, it is set as pointed above: both with HEIGHT limits. But hold a while. I need to check the exported values, as it might be some error while receiving the data. This one is sent as a float, not as a byte, so it MIGHT be some read error (but it never happened and is CRC checked…) Will let you know ASAP…

OK, my fault (although I have no idea how it happened). Somehow the false reading passed the CRC checking, I’ve found this little creature:


I’ve fixed your issue with wrong formatting of Y labels, soon it will be uploaded to Google Play.


Sounds great! And the tabs height?

Sure, it is also fixed.

I’ve also added some code for a more similar (to smartphone) text width on tablet devices: labeled displays on my Nexus 6, 7 and Pixel devices have a same look.


Again?? Really!? Come on devs, I like the fixes and improvements, but I guess within next few releases I gonna have serious problems with seeing the content of Value display widget.
I compiled three different releases of Android app… Please take a look. All this on 2560x1440 Galaxy Note 4

@marvin7 Which font size option you have set for these widgets?

  1. As I wrote before, we had changed fonts scaling for tablets so a same labeled/value displays on tablet and smartphone will have almost the same amount of text in them - and, of course, this means that tablet text height will become smaller.

  2. I could revert this tablet specific update in next release if it does not suit all who use tablets here.

  3. Also I’ll check how to distinguish between phablet and tablet

@Gunner how it looks on your tablets?

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On this screen always the largest available. The first (largest) is autoscaled (no font size to choose from)

Yes,PLEASE consider it,or add MORE font sizes to choose, eventually just add a size as a property (as I had asked earlier)
The screen is more and more white, and it doesn’t look good on my tidy “carefully” :stuck_out_tongue: designed project. :worried:

I already posted screenshots (above) of some of the relevant changes between 2.24.0 and 2.26.7. Showing two different phones and two different tablets.

I post many screenshots, but get the impression some developers don’t bother looking at the obvious evidential degradation… but here is some more Super Chart screenshots on the same older tablet

Android 2.24.0 :slight_smile: & 2.26.7 :frowning: (the styled button font is the only improvement in my view, albeit truncated)…

And the same views on a newer HD (not phablet) phone… You need to click on image to see whole thing… this forum doesn’t like 2:1 ratio images, another thing that could use fixing.

Android 2.24.0 :slight_smile:

& 2.26.7 :frowning: Also note the individual stream value legends in the Super Chart are missing mid values

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@Gunner, please check the 2.26.7 which introduces further changes within font scaling algorithm. The 2.26.6 is a past already :smiley: Yet we know, there will be next version very soon, as the current has some “insect” hidden (only one ? :wink:)

Interesting… at the time of my post above, I did update to the “latest” in the Play Store… so those posts where 2.26.7 after all (I did double check and confirmed it). I will correct my above info.

@marvin7 @Gunner fixed 2.26.7 release has been uploaded and is already available to download, it should not change anything for phones, but on the tablets there should be small changes like larger widget’s labels (and not only: larger zeRGBa values, Gauge min/max, SuperChart legends) and smaller font height, so labeled/value display will fit almost the same number of text as phones.