Could you record a video of your case, so we could at least see how it looks - I currently can not reproduce your issue on my devices
yeah its a tricky issue. itss late now. ill give it a shot tomorrow
here’s a clone of the app perhaps that helps in the mean time:
…not working… urgh and then my phone died… tomorrow it will be.
If you have a large project, cloned QR will be generated linked to your server.
and here a link to the vid:
(something went wrong brb)
note that it also fails the other way round so
-play on first tab
-stop on second tab
-first tab is still in play view
3rd attempt…
edit: @Pavlo I finally succeeded in getting this vid. What you see is
- first tab (not running)
- second tab (not running)
- ‘run’ on second tab
- back to first tab which still shows ‘not running’, while the app is actually running
Hi all!
Question about option “Show widget’s background in play mode”
In project options I set this option to “ON”, ок working. Closing - open application - option is in “OFF” and widget’s background not show…
Are you on Blynk server or a local one? Of local - do you have the latest version?
And just in case please provide screenshots, as this two options looks similar, but in one case - you will see another background behind widgets, in second - no background.
Thanks, we had reproduced it, and it will be fixed it in the next release,
Local sever, server-0.36.4-java8.jar, latest version.
No, no, I understand and see the difference. But for some reason this setting is not saved.
Even with the active application, when I lock / unlock the phone, app will reconnect to the server, the data is updated and the background is turned off (visible as background changes)
UPD: Screenshoots added
0.36.3 had it already.
Thanks. I’m very pleased with your project Blynk!
thnx! funny thing is is that after 3 or 4 ‘bug’ reports, this is actually the first genuine one, so far it was always an outdated server on my end. In short: good job! keep it up.
Yep, bug confirmed - we’ll fix it with a bugfix release soon
Well, not a top priority, but as we are with different fixes: Can I have back “my” fractions in historical value preview (when holding the pointer on chart)? There were fractions, and now they are not there - someone steal it from “my” app
Yep, they will be returned