New Android Release 2.23.0

Could you record a video of your case, so we could at least see how it looks - I currently can not reproduce your issue on my devices

yeah its a tricky issue. itss late now. ill give it a shot tomorrow

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here’s a clone of the app perhaps that helps in the mean time:

…not working… urgh and then my phone died… tomorrow it will be.

If you have a large project, cloned QR will be generated linked to your server.

that I didn’t know. Anyway, phone is alive again, still have trouble with sharing but here it is:

and here a link to the vid:

(something went wrong brb)

note that it also fails the other way round so
-play on first tab
-stop on second tab
-first tab is still in play view

@wolph42 don’t see any link.

3rd attempt…

edit: @Pavlo I finally succeeded in getting this vid. What you see is

  • first tab (not running)
  • second tab (not running)
  • ‘run’ on second tab
  • back to first tab which still shows ‘not running’, while the app is actually running

Hi all!
Question about option “Show widget’s background in play mode”

In project options I set this option to “ON”, ок working. Closing - open application - option is in “OFF” and widget’s background not show…

Are you on Blynk server or a local one? Of local - do you have the latest version?

And just in case please provide screenshots, as this two options looks similar, but in one case - you will see another background behind widgets, in second - no background.

Thanks, we had reproduced it, and it will be fixed it in the next release,

Local sever, server-0.36.4-java8.jar, latest version.
No, no, I understand and see the difference. But for some reason this setting is not saved.
Even with the active application, when I lock / unlock the phone, app will reconnect to the server, the data is updated and the background is turned off (visible as background changes)

UPD: Screenshoots added

@Dmitriy in what server’s version had we added this functionality?

Backround is ON

0.36.3 had it already.

Thanks. I’m very pleased with your project Blynk!

thnx! funny thing is is that after 3 or 4 ‘bug’ reports, this is actually the first genuine one, so far it was always an outdated server on my end. In short: good job! keep it up.

Yep, bug confirmed - we’ll fix it with a bugfix release soon

Well, not a top priority, but as we are with different fixes: Can I have back :innocent: “my” fractions in historical value preview (when holding the pointer on chart)? There were fractions, and now they are not there - someone steal it from “my” app :thinking:

Yep, they will be returned

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