New Android Release 2.21.0

Nope. However, this is good idea I’ll add it too -

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Please also add in widget support if possible…

E.G. This already works perfectly for device type…
Blynk.virtualWrite(V56, BLYNK_INFO_DEVICE);

So that a Display, Terminal, Gauge, etc. Widget could also show which device in a multi-device project is sending some particular data to the App. E.G. In those odd situations when all devices run the same code and use the same vPins.
Blynk.virtualWrite(V56, DEVICE_NAME); (it courrently doesn’t compile)

For that we have Device Selector and Tiles widget. DEVICE_NAME is not hardware info, but server side.

Oh, I thought it was the name we give the devices in the App… at least my test seemed to show that.

I just thought it could be useful in some way, like how I currently use BLYNK_INFO_DEVICE in my terminal info.

It is. I mean that this info is not present on hardware as in case of BLYNK_INFO_DEVICE

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OK, in the case of the email… I installed the latest snapshot (after your update) and tried this…"Test", "My {DEVICE_NAME} can email now!");

But I am guessing the syntax must be different than with notifications, as it just showed the literal text, not the value of the placeholder. and I can’t use typical string groupings as {DEVICE_NAME} cannot compile as a valid command? variable? which makes sense based on your last post.

EDIT - @LDB OK, I think the email support has to wait the next release, as I can not see the changes in the latest source code, so probably not in the main download yet. I don’t understand how Github really works with commits and stuff, so I say just wait for 0.36.4 :slight_smile:

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@LDB install server-0.36.4-java8.jar for email {DEVICE_NAME} option to work.

Thanks @Gunner but I’m running Blynk Cloud, currently testing for a commercial launch. :slightly_smiling_face:

But it’s working on the Cloud Server as well

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We did deploy yesterday. Should work now.

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