I am looking for making my BLE to get a user’s location, and feedback to blynk edgent on wifi.
My main problem is simple:
[ 38529][E][ssl_client.cpp:37] _handle_error(): [start_ssl_client():264]: (-32512) SSL - Memory allocation failed
I want to use BLE cyclically to always scan. get and feedback data to blynk platform using whatever Vpins.
what could be the solution here ? or do you have any workarounds for such a problem ? can you suggest?
Read this before creating new topic:
- Search forum for similar topics
- Check https://docs.blynk.io
- Add details :
• Hardware model + communication type. For example: ESP32
• Smartphone OS (iOS or Android) + OS version
• Blynk server region
• Blynk Library version
• Post your FORMATTED sketch code. Remove your AUTH TOKEN from code. Don’t post screenshots
• Post your serial monitor output when experiencing some issues
If you don’t format your code, your topic can be deleted by moderators.
Here is a correct example of code formatting:
//#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "TMPxxxxxx"
//#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_NAME "Device"
#include "BlynkEdgent.h"
void setup()
void loop() {
This appears to be a line copied from your serial monitor, but I’m not sure how anyone is going to make sense of this out of context, especially considering that the code you’ve posted contains no reference to BLE.
Have you considered using the location functionality within Blynk?
Hi peter, I tried using the location widget. but i want to get my PHONE’s location. not my microcontroller. do you have any idea how this works? to be sent to me as lat and long and then I can develop an algo to see my range. I tried initializing a map vpin but it doesnt seem to fetch my phone’s location. always 0,0 0,0
as for in answer to your question, this happens whenever i try to initialize bluetoothSerial library, BTSerial object in specific… being put in a setup function and then run on freertos.
So what app are you going to be using on your phone to get its location and send it to Blynk, and where does BLE on the MCU come into the equation - what’s BLE being used for?
scanning for phone nearby, sort of locating where my phone is, based on it, it triggers certain actions.
since the map widget does not work as inteded (i.e the phone does not send its location). ill need BLE or classic BT to scan where my phone is.
You’ve waited a month then posted something that doesn’t answer the questions I’ve asked.
I think I’ll step back from this discussion as it’s not working for me.
Good luck with your project.